OK, let me clarify. I've literally only had the game for a week or two. I bought it solely to familiarize myself with the game mechanics of the Elder Scrolls Online, I played my first ESO beta this weekend, and absolutely loved it. Sure, Skyrim is marginally better looking and the environment more interactive - but I don't enjoy the solitude of single player gaming very much. I like the world to feel alive and vibrant - and it helps to see a ton of other players running around.
That being said, Skyrim is a great game. I'm at level 23, and have traveled mostly east and west. And - I'm getting a bit bored. I think my problem may have been that I've become too focused on random exploration, and so am not doing as many quests. Of course, when I explore I encounter many caves, forts etc. - but they all feel fairly familiar. And with very few exceptions, all the enemy characters are pretty simple to kill (I'm on mid-level difficulty - adept, I think it's called).
So what have you found increases your fun factor with the game?
* Raising difficulty level?
* Completing all quests encountered while exploring?
* Sticking to story quests?
* Seeking out unexplored areas of the map?
Just curious as to what others have generally done to get the most out of this game. Thanks in advance.