Witch is better for me the Night Blade is better
Witch is better for me the Night Blade is better
nightblade is better for many reasons.
better dps, better burst, better execute, better range, better mobility, being able to go back to stealth (through invis or ultimate).
dragonknight is better at.
better sustain damage (most dragonknight damage is fire dots, almost no direct damage)
I put into google translate and it couldn't help, so I flipped a coin. Dragon Knight.
I think the Witch is better than ether the niteblade or dragonnight at least that is my opinion toknight.
Don't think he's asking for advice, he wants to hear which class you like best...
For me it's hard to choose one since all the classes are so OP
...and the nightblade better for dragonknight better fo sho
Personally, Granny Weatherwax is my favourite witch...
...seriously though, it's a hard question to answer without knowing what your playstyle is like. I certainly had more fun playing a Nightblade than a Dragonknight but then I like the 'rogue/thief' playstyle...
Which witch was the witch who witched the witches which were witching other witches?
Gerald the Witcher is better because he is a monster slayer!
Witches of Eastwick, 1987 when Cher wasn't so old.