The Bag Space Issue - thread 5

Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:05 am

several hundred responded out of over 4million beta forum accounts ...quoting numbers or percentages is pointless for both sides as registered members that actually bother to read and or post are a very small minority.

the boost to low level space should be a great help at lower levels, and if bag space does become such a huge issue as some of you believe, then no doubt they will be expanded as we progress further in the game.

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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:21 am

Well if you want to start crafting right away bag space becomes a issue, if not it's kinda ok since you sell almost everything

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trisha punch
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:57 pm

Any poll on that forum attracted around that number or less. The fact it attracted such a large number of responders (being at the top end of voting turnout in any poll in that forum) is enough to give credence to the idea it actually IS important to a lot of people. Also, not everyone visits forums, but it is still a group of people from the player base and those votes give us some information because of that.

Also be aware the numbers allowed into the beta forums were substantially less than 4 million - most of the beta testers got their keys from giveaway sites and weren't given forum access.

It would be better to add the crafting mats storage bank before game goes live and people start to get annoyed en masse.

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:27 am

Simply that the mats that I had in my bank couldn't be pulled when I was at the crafting station, I had to go back and retrieve them. For instance if I had 8 raw wood in my bag and 4 in the bank I couldn't extract them, until I went back to the bank, stacked them, then went back to the crafting station.

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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:56 am

Its not that it is not working but the way they implement it does not 'work' on seperate stacks. If you have 2 stacks of it in your inventory, it will just behave the same.

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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:39 am

Yes, and that feature has very limited value, Say you do smithing, you have stored materials, style and trait stones in bank, this frees up invetory. however as you pick up more or deconstruct you duplicate many of the stacks in invetory. Yes the benefit is that you don't have to visit the bank and redraw items before you start crafting.

So yes you save some slots but not many.

The bad part of this is that you found some loot you want to deconstruct, now you has to be careful as any items in the bank will show up on the deconstruct list, not only loot stored for later research but also quest rewards you stored as your level is to low and other good stuff.

The real ugly part is that having instant access to an mix of bank and invetory on any world crafting stations force the system to store the bank in shard server memory and not in an remote database like guild banks. In short the instant access at crafting stations might be the reason for ZOS to not give us decent bank space.

Had you had to go to the bank to access it they could store the bank invetory other places than shard server memory.

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:39 pm

Cyba, I would quote you on this but it is not working right now...

It is not that I "don't care" about the issue but, it is that the issue has gotten stale. Just because you want something and others do not does not make others non existent. Many good points have been brought up on this topic, but at the same time, stamping you foot on the ground and demanding something that you want over and over again is not the way to do things. I would highly doubt that a Developer is going to post on this forum in response to your repeated requests. This does not mean they are not listening, or even that they don't care. You may have to take the stance of wait and see what the final outcome is; when ESO actually goes live.

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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:29 am

Nobody is stamping their feet. What people ARE doing is patiently explaining (over and over again as those who disagree keep trying to shut down discussion) why the issue is important and what can be done to solve it.

A developer has had five threads to post something on the matter - that it has gotten to five threads should be more the reason to add some input, not less.

We are trying to get the issue resolved before game goes live because people are going to raise hell over it, or quietly resent it and quietly leave, depending on their nature. Fixing it now could benefit ZOS greatly.

It will become a server issue once game goes live (ie population, which affects all of us - even those who don't craft and don't care about storing anything).

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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:12 am

Just one last post for me on this thread.....

The best feeling I have had today is when I stopped beating my head against this wall. :bonk:

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Jack Walker
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:47 am

While some people are rude and indeed are trying to get you to shut up, others like myself are simply telling you that you're opinion might not be as popular as you believe.

I outlined in this thread and the previous that bag space is more than manageable with just 60 spots if you have reasonable goals with professions (ie focus on around 2-3).

Max amount of items you could carry on yourself in vanilla wow was 80~ and this game gives us that and more just for 1 character. And while that game had many more work arounds with bank and alts ESO has gone a different direction as they could possibly view that as a workaround that would break their unlimited crafting professions model.

TL:DR its a non issue if you have reasonable expectations for bag space and crafting professions

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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:22 pm

Yet you have nothing supporting your position at all. I don't think I remember the last time someone I played with in a game said "this game could really use a smaller bag space", yet people will certainly complain when they feel bag space is too small, as is the case here.

And not everyone will have loads of gold to buy their mats from others, so only keeping a small amount of mats on hand and buying the rest will not be viable for a lot of people. Try to accept everyone plays a game differently. A lot of people just don't play the market, and/or have limited time to grind for their gold.

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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:20 am

And in that same thread I showed how I would need 245 slots for the 3 non-consumable professions if I wanted to keep a healthy supply of everything and not toss gold at every crafted item.

Most of that comes from the stacks not going higher than 100 in beta (which I hope is going to be increased a lot), but also because there are a lot of different materials.
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:29 am

Finally someone with some sense. Bro fist bump?

I have to agree. People need to break free from everything being given to us mindset. Stop being so lazy and as the quote says, make some hard decisions.

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le GraiN
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:46 am

Indeed. MMO's always have limits and things you need to work for. So no you can't just pick up and gather everything and do every single craft at the same time. and you have to put in effort and playtime to get more slots.

Like many past MMOs you have the ability to go and gather new mats so you don't have to hoard everything and save it for a rainy day when someone may or may not ask you to make a low lvl piece of gear some day. Its not at all unreasonable to expect someone to have to go out into the game world and gather new mats. That is certainly more reasonable then expecting to be able to hoard a metric ton of crafting mats and some you may never even have use for.

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Lil Miss
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:36 pm

Again. nobody is wanting to store metric tons of crafting mats they will never use - we are asking to be able to store the crafting mats each character will use for their specific crafting skill. And this without needing to stop/delete/juggle space because the bags are full of mats already.

The shared bank is making a bad situation worse - because of this, we need to store crafting mats in the bags of each crafting character rather than being able to store mats in the bank. This means any crafter will be carrying around mats and have less space to play the game normally and loot items and so on. The bank will be used to move items back and forth, and store gear for later levels when we find something decent, and to store gear for traits research (and pass it to other crafter characters on the account).

Then there's the people who will enjoy doing social things like having pets and costumes - this makes for even less available space.

The decisions you enjoy making (if any at all - I doubt you want to play the same as others posting here, maybe you buy your mats rather than gather them etc, maybe you think wearing costumes and bringing out a pet makes you look like a girl) are not the decisions others will enjoy making.

There are more playstyles than your playstyle, or the playstyle the devs have seemingly mapped out for everyone.

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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:55 am

Uh yeah I did support my position. If you want to ignore simple facts you can but dont expect everyone else to.

Wait you weren't being sarcastic? I literally thought you were mocking the guy because your numbers were so outrageously false. And you count things like racial gems x 2 when theres no reason to ever have them on you.

You didnt show anything you threw up a bunch of random numbers that have no basis in reality lmao.

It is possible to manage under 20 (very generous number its much closer to 10) slots per profession which leaves you with 3 profs easily this is a conservative estimation to HELP side with you.

This is just poor inventory management. Let me help you. Each slot in your inventory has monetary value and your putting your value at 10g (which is nothing) by holding onto these gems. Because selling any racials you find and having to buy it later will only net you a loss of 10g those slots are being wasted when you could have an extra drop from a mob that will sell for 50g+ easily. And this only gets goes in your favor more as gold and items rise in value as you level up but your deadset on "saving your 21 gold".

Please guys, let me teach you how to manage your inventories so that you can realize this isnt a problem.

Oh and this is all predicated on the assumption that you have managed to learn every racial crafting style in the game already on top of have found each individual trait gem

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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:24 am

Wow.......some are you are in for a hard time.......or at least an empty wallet. As stated many times there needs to be a crafting inventory. Why should I be penalized because I want to play this part of the game? The crafting inventory would solve the issue. During beta I had to delete items alot......mostly due to lack of venders to sell to.

However, those of you who don't craft...........don't want to........or currently don't care about bag space for us.......better change your tune.........quickly. See, as a crafter, the harder it is for me to craft something.......the more you will pay.

News flash.......this is a pvp game. That's the end game like it or not. If you havn't played in a mmo that thrives on pvp.......your in for heaven..........or hell. As pvp players you will at some point or time become a min/maxer, like it or not. You will have to in order to compete. Sometimes one point does make a difference. That awesome templete you have won't mean jack if your gear isn't up to par.

I played DAOC for 7 years.......this pvp is very close to that. I was the highest fletcher in that game in the world for a year and a half. I have some idea what I'm talking about. When peeps start maxing out chars and getting their toons specced the way they is gear. Then your going to have to come to me and go I need a plate set of iownpvp. Guess what.....I didn't have space to save it.......what am I gonna tell you? Get the wallet out and here is the list of items I'll need to make it. Get shopping. And again.......since peeps won't have the space to keep all the mats........the prices will either send you farming or leave you broke. So in the doesn't Just affect affects us all.

P.S. Those cheap items you can buy now............thats at lev what........10...15? Guess what they will be at lev 50.

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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:28 am


Crafters are going to be charging for the hassle this lot caused us.

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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:00 am

I think the whole issue is a moot point now based on recent reports of the last patch testers have seen.

Realistically, the only issue was the "initial" amount of bag/bank space, and the somewhat discouraging cost for the first upgrade and the rapidly rising costs of additional upgrades. During the two betas I participated in, initially my toons were always having to manage inventory much more often than I cared to see. After purchasing just one 10 slot bag upgrade, it was actually much more tolerable. And after adding one bank upgrade, the issue was no longer present (and I pick up and harvest everything I run across, except insects). Those two upgrades were perfect for me up to level 15, at which time my gold income increased to a rate that had I chosen to buy more upgrades I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought.

Now with recent reports that the initial bag space has been increased by 10 slots, and initial bank space increased by 30 slots (double the original starting slots), I'm happier than an Irishman at Happy Hour. That's a lot more than enough shared bank space to start with.

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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:32 am

I'll address the latest point first. The notion that you would not have space for materials to craft "the best pvp gear" is silly because if it comes to not having space the only things you WOULD save would be the best mats since they would be the hardest. Its highly unlikely that you would choose not to have the best (and therefore rarest/most expensive) materials over something like racial gems or iron/steel materials.

The next idea is that if we somehow had a separate "crafting bag" the problem would be if there was a crafting bag then it would have to be equally limited to the developers vision of how much stuff we can carry to begin with. So instead of having 100 slots for our character total now you have 40 crafting slots and 60 inventory you understand how this works?

The developers have a vision for how much stuff we can hold, and whether its in a separate space or not its going to be limited in some regard. We arent getting GW2 unlimited crafting mats here. In reality when the two are linked you have MORE freedom to choose how much you want to devote to crafting and how much you want to devote to inventory.

If the two were fixed separate youd be stuck with whatever the developers have given you. When they are linked you can choose how much space you want to allocate to crafting. You CAN use your entire bagspace for all crafting and save only 5-10 slots for essential items/world drops. Your asking for more room when i think its clear devs dont want you to have more and there are plenty of players out there (myself included) that agree with their vision of "acceptable" bagspace

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:08 pm

So at level 50, to make 1 crafting type of max level gear, there are so many mats for that one type of max level that 150+ bag slots isnt enough?

Example - level 50 blacksmithing, for only level 50 armor/weapons take 150 various materials? (thats a question ive never been past level 6 in beta)

Now if you want to have all the mats required to be able to make any craftable item in the game via (example) Blacksmithing, then sure i can see an issue, but that happens in all games.

I am all for more space, i horde and collect, and with stuff like pets taking up slots, as well as spare armor, crafting mats, nifty things you find, more is always better, but the game isnt even out yet so for me ill just wait and see.

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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:45 pm

The bag space hasn't been increased at all - this is just space given earlier.

The same amount of mats still will need to fit into the same amount of total bag/bank space, once you've maxed it at endgame.

So the issue hasn't been resolved at all, unless all you cared about was early game.

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Richus Dude
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:17 am

Shared bank is a non sense.

I never exchanged items between characters as there are not supposed to know each other, and most of the time are in different factions.

On TESO, the bank is full of items that the first character stocked there, and my alt cannot use the bank because it's full.

So the solution would be to copy Turbine foe what they've done in LotRO and have a separated shared bank for those who like using it.

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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:19 am

Well seeing as how most anyone outside the PTS has played is low lvl then yes more slots at first is a big deal. Unless you have actually played into High lvl I don't really think you can say how much space you will need. You get somewhere around 300+ slots (character slots + horse slots+ bank slots) at inventory cap so if thats not enough then not sure anything will help to be honest.

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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:54 am

Hmm phone won't let me quote. Ah well.

I refuse to buy things I can find for free. This includes the racial gems and the trait gems. I prefer some 200 of each. 300 of each of the refined materials. My gold will be spend only on expanding inventory and bank which will be one time purchases and not continual. I will have to spend money on repairs, and feeding horse (one speed, one carrying) per character but any other preventable expenses I will try to minimize. Thats the key to getting rich and staying rich. No unnecesary spending of gold.
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