Same chest loots for everybody.
Furthermore, resource nodes and chests out in the open world are an issue. In the two betas I was in previously, I took the time to go exploring and also resource gathering so I could try out crafting....except someone kept following me around and looting nodes/interacting with chests before I could get to them. This was VERY annoying, and it's counter to what an MMO is at it's heart. One should be GLAD to see another player running around, not upset that someone's nearby. Simply do what GW2 did(one of the very few things ANet -did- get right, IMHO) and make open world resources and chests individually keyed.
In simple terms: You and I see a node/chest out in the open world, and both go running for it. In the current system, someone is bound to get angry. In the BETTER system, both walk away with what the chest/node had to offer. BOTH HAPPY. In an MMO, more players happy=more players playing and paying.