I'd love it if someone made http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/342/d/1/skyrim_logo_undamaged_by_earilthegreat-d4iixb1.png as a shield. light and heavy versions using the same stats as the both imperial shields. the crafting recipes could be the same as the imperial shields but also needing 2 or 3 silver ingots.
if it looks too silly having the gaps in the shield then it could have a look similar to this http://i1.minus.com/i0bRk8QR1egH8.JPG obviously without the lines sticking out of it. I used brown lines because trying to use the fill tool to change the black to brown would ruin the logo. the brown lines are basically meant to be the way the black gaps are on this shield http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121023001910/elderscrolls/images/c/c1/Iron_Shield_SK.png
the black parts in my image would be wood brown (same as the iron shield) for the ingame shields and the brown lines would be the black gaps like the iron shield.
the thick grey diamond outline in my image would be silver ingame.
and if it could be used by some imperial soldiers that would be great too.