Not the most optimistic list...
Misses out the tons of people that post useful information, tips and constructive posts without any of the above. I've learnt a lot from this forum and look forward to it moving to the new ESO forums when they go up.
Not the most optimistic list...
Misses out the tons of people that post useful information, tips and constructive posts without any of the above. I've learnt a lot from this forum and look forward to it moving to the new ESO forums when they go up.
Oh, we still have trolls, but their numbers are far less relative to other forums.
I've had to go to some of the player-made forums for information, really. A lot here seems more wishlist and basic information related. When we get a full forum, then things might evolve.
But as another poster said, when the game goes live, you'll see far more complaints. People who have a gripe are far more vocal than those of us who are knee deep in fun and not wanting to log off.
You bloodhound! :O
Maybe I just have a strong scent
I couldn't agree more, I'm really pleasantly surprised about the community here. The community in-game (In the Covenant at least) was actually really tolerable and informative, and extremely helpful (though I and others among them soon grew tired of people asking the same questions and spreading the same misinformation and complaining it wasn't enough like WoW, which is understandable)
Hopefully I'll find a great Guild in-game, or start my own and have plenty of these awesome people to play with.
The moderators are always on the ball too (I was even given a warning for calling someone an idiot for their completely unsubstantiated post) which I'm glad they actually did since I admit I was too blunt and should have been more critical rather than insulting.
All in all shaping up to be a really great game, with a potentially even greater community!
I think I'm one of the weird sadists that actually enjoys a community thats a little more adversarial. lol. Sometimes it creates a little more interesting meta game when people genuinely dislike each other.
But obviously the angry-13-year-old-boy style trolling is something I can live without. And general politeness to people who don't want to be involved in the drama is always a plus...
Hmm... guess I just wrote all those words to contradict myself and say nothing at all.
Because you kept the same sig and wrote all over the place what your other account was?
This forum's fine. It can be awful at times, but less awful than other forums I've been on, so it's okay. Just have to tread carefully so I don't accidentaly break anyone's immersion. This never ends well.
the community here is really good with a few exceptions even the moderators are pretty decent, I havent seen any hitler type mods and I can carry on an intelligent conversation with almost everyone here so yeah its definetly a decent community
sigh waiting for landmarks snow biome to be put in its driving me nuts browsing the forums here while waiting
I think this community is more than just fine. To me it feels like it's superior, epic, or even legendary .
I suppose so, I'm not saying I don't answer them, it just becomes a little trying when they're questions either nobody has answers to yet or that they're questions that could be answered by a quick google search first
Nevertheless I still answer them - I've also found intelligent conversation to be really easy to have with people in /zone too, which is always nice. I find I actually spend more time talking than actually doing things sometimes! Good thing Num Lock keeps me moving forward whilst typing or I'd never have gotten anywhere
Well, this is the headquarters , but it's a good thing people are still open to debate. At least more than half of them.
You could join our guild It's on DC.
FPS gamers are all about winning mmo rpg not so much some overlap myself included, but FPS tends to ramp up ppl emotions more so when they get beat, mmo is more relaxed as even in pvp you know it was skill not a hack.
I'm just going to go ahead and burst your bubble. If this game becomes hugely popular, it will get far far worse. Small communities always do really well in terms of respect shown and given. When you become 1 of 10 million, you're just another faceless Joe and I don't care about you. I experienced that most when I moved from a small farm town to Washington, DC
FPSes has more smack talking than MMOs as a whole, just like Basketball has more smack talking then Chess. Sometimes that's harder to measure, because if oyur playing a large FPS like COD you're going to have millions and millions of people. Way back when, I played Far Cry and we had a little Far cry league going. It was small enough that most everyone knew everyone else, so you didn't see nearly as much hate talk going on, like I did in Counter-Strike.
Once the floodgates are open, I think you're going to see the toxicity rise a bit. If the game never really takes off and becomes more like GW2, it will probably settle down a bit. I didn't spend much time there, but I found the GW2 community to be pretty good and fairly helpful. If TESO became the next WoW, I suspect after the first year, you wouldn't recognize the place.
I suspect the real test to the community will be during the class balance struggles. As anyone who just came from TOR can tell you classes being balanced especially in regards to pvp was critical. Its anyone's guess how this social struggle will play out in the Elder Scrolls forums. I think we should all expect to see a lot of passion but as long there are no personal attacks everyone can have fun.
Thats not weird at all. Being too happy and too nice is weird, it makes me think they could be a serial killer or worse, a scientologist.