Yes it does, all i meant is that early one armor traits aren't as critical, meaning that if ANY of your characters learns the imperial book (consuming it), the rest of the styles are "unlocked" by simply making a new character.
Of course if you have imperial race, you literally don't need any books, and you can choose to sell them for a huge gold injection early on, or actually learn it since you will "need" it later on.
Until your main crafter knows traits and can make use of hidden crafting stations, you can easily mix armor types with no consequence, once traits become a little more than "just helpful" and almost become a requirement, you can't simply do the same since not all your characters know these traits.
Also you can farm the same trait and give it to all your characters, and theoretically have crafting on ALL races & all characters, but the time investment isn't worth it, far better to buy blue books later on if you are really unlucky with finding them on your own.
Pro tip: The last room from coldharbour usually has a LOOOAADDDD of containers, and you can also relog and get a few more, usually I never leave until I get 1 blue book, I assume this will be semi-fixed in the live client, but for now, it seems that you can make an infinite amount of characters and just loot that room until you got all the books. Once I even found 2 books on the same character. The ones I didn't need I could sell for absurd amounts of gold.