How do you want the thieves guild to operate in game?
Hello everyone.
For those who are not aware of this, the thieves guild is currently not in the game, and will apparently be placed in as additional content at a later stage. (Hopefully sooner rather than later).
So brings the question, at the top of the page.
- What functions would you like to see in the guild? (Here’s your new skill at picking peoples pockets)
- What quest lines would you like to see in the guild? (Go steal this item, don’t get caught)
- What benefits would you like to see, from joining them? (Here is your new guild armour, enjoy)
I have given very brief and simplistic examples.
But the thieves guild and the Dark Brotherhood will focus very strongly on my nightblade character. So I want to start a debate, if one has not already been done, and get some feelers going to see what other likeminded player would want to see in this guild.
- There is another thread running over the debate over poisons not being in the alchemy tree, at the moment, but will be introduced at a later stage. After carefully thinking about the poison issue I could see that this guild is the place that could expand and introduce the idea of poison for players. Through completing quest lines and interacting with fellow thieves guild members.
Picking pockets.
- I would love to see this in game as an additional skill set for those who join the guild, but how do you think it should operate. Should we be allowed to pick the pockets of enemy players in the RvRvR, should we be allowed to pick pockets of merchants, or steal from locked boxes that seem to be un-interact able with, or fix the numbers of the accounts belonging to merchants that don’t pay up?
Picking locks.
- We already have this ability for everyone at the moment, but how about the idea of having a passive skill that as you increase in the guild ranks, you can pick locks with greater speed or have less difficult locks as a perk for being a member of the guild?
Whats your thoughts?