Always surprised to see that in-game VOIP isn't the norm yet. Planetside 2 has an in-game VOIP and it's absolutely AMAZING! Makes chatting with random people you come across amazingly simple.
Always surprised to see that in-game VOIP isn't the norm yet. Planetside 2 has an in-game VOIP and it's absolutely AMAZING! Makes chatting with random people you come across amazingly simple.
Not often enough for the second example, and too often for my preference for the first.
But once is too often, if they listen to bad indy rock.
For them to create their own VOIP system from scratch is a complete waste of resources. Few games (if any) does it right. It only took Battlefield like 5 years to get it working. Well, not really working, it was still broken. But it was there.
IMO they should instead work together with a 3rd party provider and streamline its integration with game. Mumble, Teamspeak or Ventrillo. And no, it wont lag the game. When I'm talking on TS while playing GW2 it doesnt lag everyone playing ESO, does it? No, that's just a silly argument that doesnt make any sense. Good VOIP wont lag a game and 3rd party never.
Guild chat would be the easy part - they support its ingame settings, but not the actual channel. Leave that to the guilds. For example, a guild leader would have in the game menu the option to setup support for TS3/Mumble/Ventrillo, with server information (IP, port, password). A guild member simply go into the menu, click "Join guild chat" and you'd join the channel that the guild leader defined by launching the app in the background. The app would automatically be closed when you close the game. Simple as that.
Group chat would be more dynamic and hosted by Zenimax (that's what our monthly pay for, right?). A group leader choose "Create group channel" and the app launches in the background, adding all the generated information about the channel ingame. Group members choose "Join group channel" and it automatically launches the app and log them onto that channel.
It would be great if you could define what profile (in for example TS3) the guild/group chat logs you. That way you can set up different buttons and join both without fiddling in app while the game is running.
Basicly a simple GUI for 3rd party VOIP app. The "Join chat" buttons are a command line.
But lets be realistic here, they're probably going to spend ~1 year trying to implement it, fail, remake it from scratch, fail again and in maybe 2-3 years we'll see halfbroken VOIP that no one use.
Or just buy the VOIP code from SOE as they have already got it right in Planetside 2.
Nah if they got it "right" 90% of the outfits wouldnt use a private TS channel.
Yeah, I don't understand not having built-in VOIP at this point. DDO, EQ2, Planetside 2, Lotro, and apparently WoW? A ton of games have it... only reason I can think of to NOT have it built in, is if they were planning on porting this game to a device that already has VOIP built into its system... like Xbox or Playstation...
That makes a lot of sense... why no DEV is doing it?
That is not way people use TS when playing PS2. Our outfit use TS when playing that game but we also use in game VOIP too. This because we need multiple VOIP channels to effectively coordinate the communication during battle. For an example we use in game VOIP to co-op; with other outfits in our faction, for squad team play and for vehicle co-op between driver and gunner. Only thing we use TS for is outfit chat and platoon chat.
TS or any other 3rd party VOIP is really good if you only have to talk to those that are on there, like your guild members and friends. However there are more players an MMORPG server then just those player.
I'm just too lazy to type in game as I need to pause what I'm doing and type the text as I can't fight and type at the same time and taking 2 seconds to type something while you are in combat is just suicide. When you PvP you really don't have time to type at all IMO.
Ive played PS2 for maybe one year (BR96) and everyone uses TS mainly because the audio quality is just MUCH better.
We used in game chat to deal with guests (people not in our TS channel).
Prox chat is the first thing to disable lol.
When did you play PS2 last time? Yes during the first 4-6 months after PS2 released there was something to desire from the in game VOIP. But if you check it out now how good it is.
But I only want in game VOIP in ESO to deal with "guests" anyway. Not replacing 3rd party VOIP for my guild.
My gulid mates have occasionally been accused of being a surly lot...we're achievers, and we're not concerned with your RP, your immersion, or other touchy feely things...
But even we're not blind to the fact that in MMORPGs... well...the first two letters stand for Massive Multiplayer
It really sounds like a lot of you will be happier in the long run if you stick to your Elder Scrolls single player RPGs.
When you're young you have a point to prove.
I vote for proximity voice chat. It would be great for PVP (not only for your alliance communication, but It would be fun to treat your enemies while we fight), RP-PVP and for RP-PVE. I would totally go full RP if PVC is implemented.
But I dont think that they will ever do that.
VOIP detracts from roleplaying unless you're speaking in third person (and I don't mean like a Khajit). A great advantage of text chat is that it leaves the voice of a character up to the imagination. In cases where intonation is relevant, that can be supplied through text as well.
Either by writing it out in book dialogue style:
"Do you really think I would do such a thing?" he sneered at her in disgust.
Or using emote asterisks if you want to keep it short:
Do you really think I would do such a thing? *shocked*
This is one of the main advantages of online RP versus tabletop. Roleplay should never be used a reason to implement VOIP communication in games (imho).
If you want to be able to shout something generic quickly in the middle of a fight in an RP environment in an MMO, a better system than VOIP would be to use the hotkey-emotes from neverwinter nights. There, you could press two keys to have your character speak some voice-acted lines with the voice set you selected at character creation. It had voiced commands for charge, retreat, cheer, laugh, I'm poisoned, my weapon isn't working, my spell failed, heal me, rally to me and many more.