The only relation to real life asians are katanas, blade's armor (more or less) and architecture. We have no idea at all how Akaviri actually looked like.
It's very arguable just how snake-like they were. I had a discussion about this with another forumer Melchior not long ago, and among other things, facts that armors, greaves and boots included, were made based on their armors, and basically every single place known to be built by them included stairs and not a single ramp etc. offers some solid support that they could have had legs, for the starters. Then who knows what else they had in common with humans, but it's known that legends can be hyped in a huge scale so from what we know they might as well be more human like than Argonians are. Hell, if you take "eaten" as "assimilating into culture", their lowest ranking troops might have been the actual, original Akaviri. There is too little material to work on to make any completely assured assumptions.
Might have been me since I mentioned that not long ago.