I have a laptop that is pretty old. I am wanting to get a new one to play ESO. Is it possible to play this game on a laptop that I could buy at a Best Buy or something that costs $750 or less?
I have a laptop that is pretty old. I am wanting to get a new one to play ESO. Is it possible to play this game on a laptop that I could buy at a Best Buy or something that costs $750 or less?
I play it on a laptop, make sure it has a good processor and a dedicated graphics card. In fact, I only own laptops and play all of my mmos on them.
dont wuss out go get one of these http://www.dell.com/ca/p/alienware-18/pd
Asus G7 series runs it well.....not sure what the price is on them nowadays.
Playing in this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152407
IMO GPU is unoptimized. I'm able to have medium graphics running at 30-40 fps for PvE.