Ok, so, here is a little bit of ESO confusion I found regarding why Aedra don't exhibit the same level of presence and direct communication as the Daedra. So, the impression I got about the creation of Mundus and Nirn is that the Aedra we worship now as the eight divines sacrificed so much of their power to create and stabilize Nirn, that they eventually lost the ability to directly influence and manipulate Nirn. Unlike the Daedra who can frequently communicate with their followers and quite often display real, tangible power, the Aedra seem to be so bound up by Mundus that they don't have the power to directly communicate with the world anymore. Perhaps through prayer or meditation on the shrines some priests might receive visions or messages from the Divines, but apart from Akatosh's involvement and the Amulet of Kings, I can't really recall other scenarios where the Aedra have actually influenced Mundus after its creation. This interpretation, I think, goes along with the theme of sacrifice and Lorkhan's treachery - one of the most dire results coming from the decision to create Mundus was that many lesser Aedra simply perished or became the earthbones, while the greater Aedra invested so much of themselves that their powers greatly diminished - they became constants and laws, rather than direct sentient forces influencing Nirn, unlike the Daedra. When we add in that the Aedra can actually be killed as part of the covenant with Nirn, the theme of sacrifice and pain for the Aedra is much clearer, and also goes in to explain why the Altmer hate Lorkhan with such intensity.
Ok, but in ESO this new piece of lore came up - http://esohead.com/books/877-daedra-worship-the-chimer, this book looks like is aimed at new players in particular, as in the beginning it goes on to explain how the Aedra and Daedra are different. Apart from the blatant disregard for the Aldmeri language ("Aedra" means "our ancestors," and not "Gods, Divines"), the author just simply states that basically the Aedra became disinterested in Nirn and withdrew from the world, being described as some aloof deities who do not wish to pay attention to what's going on in Mundus. Ok, so we clearly see a very big shift, at least for me, because this very, very clearly contradicts what I have been learning in TSE so far about the Aedra. Sadly, this "rendition" of the Aedra is quite boring and to me doesn't make any sense, no sacrifice, no restraint and no inability to actually show their divine powers. Just "aloof'" - how unoriginal.
Ok, so what do you guys think? Am I right for picking up on this? Does this make sense?