Got divorced can't remary

Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:39 pm

Ok so I married Lydia and soon after I saw it was a mistake so I divorced her using console commands (Option 1 on the the wiki) I have reset the marriage mission so I now have bought the amulet of mara for a second time off of Maramel (And have gone over and installed the mod A simple Marriage mod and done these steps

To divorce:

1. console command resetquest relationshipmarriage to reset the marriage quest

2. console command setstage relationshipmarriage 10 to set the marriage quest to the stage where you can buy the amulet of Mara

3. kill your spouse, you can resurrect he/she later but remember to take all the useful items before resurrecting

To remarry:

1. wear the amulet of Mara

2. open console and left click the NPC you want to marry, or use command prid

3. console command setrelationshiprank player 1

4. console command addfac 19809 1 5. console command addfac 5c84d 1 (NPC face expression?)

6. speak to him/her and there should be an option to marry, if the option doesn't appear, fast travel and come back

But when I talk to Ysolda no option appears to get married.

I also killed her and resurrect her and she appears to be permanently crouching.

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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:35 am

You did her quest, right?

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Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:15 pm

Ysolda is set essential. You can't kill her with the Kill console command. You end up sending her into a permanent BleedOut state. You're gonna have to use an old save.

Ysolda requires at least 2 favor quests, otherwise there will be no marriage option.

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Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:09 am

I fixed this by entering a few more commands thanks for the help.

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Katie Pollard
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