Hi guys,
So I recently started a mage character w/ the Dragonborn DLC (but not Dawnguard yet). I have been focusing on RP and doing just mage quests, but now I have pretty much done everything. I was thinking about switching from magic to assassin and kinda making the ultimate character (every quest finished, every D Artifact, every skill 100). I am currently lvl 33 with most points in magicka, but I have 100 smithing so I can alays enchant things to boost stamina and health.
So basically I was just wondering if anyone has done this or is currently doing this, and if its a completly bad idea. I'm running out of quests. The only ones I haven't done are Dark Brotherhood, theives guild, companions, and Dawnguard. I was holding off on doing these because if I did them as a mage, it wouldn' seem right.
So what do you say, should I hang up my archmages robes and grab some Nightingale armor?