Changing play type mid game?

Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:46 pm

Hi guys,

So I recently started a mage character w/ the Dragonborn DLC (but not Dawnguard yet). I have been focusing on RP and doing just mage quests, but now I have pretty much done everything. I was thinking about switching from magic to assassin and kinda making the ultimate character (every quest finished, every D Artifact, every skill 100). I am currently lvl 33 with most points in magicka, but I have 100 smithing so I can alays enchant things to boost stamina and health.

So basically I was just wondering if anyone has done this or is currently doing this, and if its a completly bad idea. I'm running out of quests. The only ones I haven't done are Dark Brotherhood, theives guild, companions, and Dawnguard. I was holding off on doing these because if I did them as a mage, it wouldn' seem right.

So what do you say, should I hang up my archmages robes and grab some Nightingale armor?

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Iain Lamb
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Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:27 pm

Skyrim is designed in such a way that playing in this way is completely possible, encouraged even. Bethesda games don't really restrict you in any way, so it is possible to do almost everything on the one character. So by all means go ahead, I think there is nothing wrong with creating a dual guild character.

However, be wary of doing too much in the same charcter, particularly if it's your first one. Ideally, I would create multiple characters for each guild, that way you can try different things. For example, I created a two-handed warrior type for the Companions, a Mage/Spellsword vampire for the Colllege of Winterhold, and I've just started a melee/archer sneak their for the Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood. Gives a reason to go back and try a new character, and keeps the playthrough focused.

This is the way I do it, just so I have a reason to go back and try something new. To each his own.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:17 pm

Yeah, I've made a lot of different characters before, but this is the one that I've done the most with and I'm getting kinda bored with it, but at the same time, I have a lot of hours in it and completed most quests. I don't want to "delete" it (the reason why I put quotes on delete is because I know you can save it for later, but I mean come on, who really goes back to those really old characters :)). I was just asking people if it would be hard because I'm a higher level, but with no points in archery and sneak and stuff. Thx for the reply and advice :D

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candice keenan
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Post » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:32 pm

Thieves Guild might be good as you can get sneak skills and some free armour as you go and you can do most of it without having to fight so much. Disillusioned mage goes bad? Maybe stock up on invisibility and lockpicking potions to start with.

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kelly thomson
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