I have really screwed up my existing beta chars and would like to try out some new builds and would rather do it on my existing chars than start over! Anyone know if the skill reset system is in game yet?
I have really screwed up my existing beta chars and would like to try out some new builds and would rather do it on my existing chars than start over! Anyone know if the skill reset system is in game yet?
We need someone who have access to the last patch notes.
You might want to read the beta notes. I believe they want us to roll up new toons anyway to test the new starting area.
I think i read someone said they found a respec shrine in the last beta. However, some PTS tester said the shrine is not in the testing area. So maybe its a hidden one that the PTS player didn't realised before?
While I didn't find it, I was under the impression that the respec shrines where in the previous beta already.
They were...we just can't get to them.
Can we get to them now? I highly doubt it - because they are in an entirely new area...and they would need to disable all the quests there/awesome things? Too much effort for a stress test.
Plus, it goes against a stress test because they want to funnel as many people as they can into a smaller area...so the first 2 areas (now 1 lol) for each faction is small enough, but 3 for each would be spread too thin and not test the servers properly.
So OP, unfortunately I HIGHLY doubt it.
All the respec shrines are in the second area of each faction (Stormhaven for DC/Grahtwood for AD, dunno EP) in the capital city.