I'm getting this error while trying to generate LOD for my worldspace:
Using 4 processors/cores.
Creating queue of files to be built...
Building 9 chunks at level 4.
Building 4 chunks at level 8.
Building 1 chunks at level 16.
Building object texture atlas...
Texture atlas build failed with the following errors:
LOD diffuse texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\MtnPeak02LOD.tga' and normal texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\MtnPeak02LOD_n.tga' are not the same size (but should be).
Waiting for build worker threads to finish...
Build canceled. All worker threads have been terminated.
0 LOD object triangles.
0 were rejected (0 degenerate, 0 under landscape).
0 total LOD object vertices.
No major issues detected.
Anyone got a clue what's going wrong?
I've been following this turorial to the letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB2rqH7Ytko
I have double, nay, triple-checked folder and file names, the files mentioned ARE the same size (to the byte), still not getting past this.
Any help would be very much apreciated!