You might not be the only person who wants this, but I bet your numbers are small. Like you said, this is a TES game, and in previous TES games we had an option to play in third person, so by taking it out they would be effectively removing a feature from previous games; so this whole argument of "they're trying to please MMO fans" is utter nonsense.
You play how you want to play and let everyone else do the same. Learn to master first person and you'll be a force to be reckoned with.
I don't think a game should be limited on some people preferences. You can play in 1st person as you, why want to make everyone play the game like you do? What if I am left handed and have a left handed mouse....
This is very typical of people who play existing games. LOTRO had a TON of these people as well. They all think they the game should exist only as they see it, rather than conforming to the baseline of what MMO's are built on.
Fortunately for LOTRO, those people quieted down ~6 months after release. I hope the same thing happens here.
Don't reply if you don't read the comment
In what I said, no one would be using third person.
So so SO glad it isn't... I never would have played or bought this game if it was first person only. I hate it.
I wouldnt have followed or planned to play ESO if it was only first person. I played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim in third person... the only one I didn't was Daggerfall, because it wasn't an option. I like to use 1st sometimes, but generally I prefer to see my character... it's just as immersive for me.
Plus, ugh... pvp would be a nightmare. I'd rage quit the first time I couldn't see what was going on around me.
I did read it And if you got that all we would see on a stream is a bunch of people running round in circles . Honestly your are reducing your peripheral vision by a large percentage to much of a loss especially in large scale pvp smaller skirmishes would be easier. I very much doubt a first pov campaign only would be populated much.
As huge of a fan as I am of TES and as much as I am anticipating this game... I would not play if it was FP only...
Third person is way too important for an MMO, and I didn't really like the 1st person experience in the Beta even though I did try it on several occasions. It just didn't feel the same as single player TES in 1st person.
I can't begin to express the level of which I profoundly agree with this statement.
I don't play to be efficient.
I have to be efficient at work all day.
I play to have fun and enjoy the game. If that means I'm not "efficient" so be it. I am also not competitive, and don't care if your character could beat up superman and make batman run home to the batcave. When you make Emperor, I'll salute as I go off to do something inefficient but fun.
The game was originally third person only, and I wasn't interested at all. When the devs got the feedback about first person being a staple of the ES games and added it is when I started to look at the game. If it had been third person only, I would have passed on it.
I'm glad though that the devs included both, and are looking at the fov issues some players have as well.