Suggestions to make the game better (imo)

Post » Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:29 am

I don't know if most players would agree with me but here goes nothing,

First of all, i feel like quest givers in Skyrim should be able to respawn (if possible, all of them) especially important quests like the quest for Volendrung. First thing i think about when i see a village of orcs not wanting me to let me in is, kill them all lol. You can probably guess that's exacly what i did and now i can't get the quest to lead me to Volendrung which is something i was really looking forward to getting although i only learned about it later on, after i killed all the orcs in that village. And by the time i learned about Volendrung, there was no way of going back to the save before killing all the orcs because i know for a fact i don't have that anymore :P

Second, I've seen a few people on the internet complaining about this, Aela The Huntress just doesn't leave me alone! :( she follows me everywhere because as most of you know, she is kind of considered a guard and pursues you everywhere you go if you have a bounty and happen to go near the companions building. Now don't get me wrong, the bounty is no problem to pay off however, it's still annoying considering i sometimes forget about some my bounties and she ends up following me again -.-

Last but not least, some might argue with this but i just feel like putting it out there, alot of quests and misc quests don't get marked on the map when you make them your active quest. I feel like everyone of them should be marked so you know at all times where to go. After all, Skyrim is a big world with many locations, it's easy to forget where some places or characters are.

Thank you

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maya papps
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Post » Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:06 pm

1. Considering to play skyrim like in a real world, you wouldn't go and kill all the cashiers from a store, because you will realize you can't buy things on a legal way...and most probably you will be caught from the Police.

So, what you deside to do, will have consequences. And skyrim works that way..too.

2. I thing that's what a guard should do.

3. That's a glitch, but it doesn't include all the quest and sidequest. (Either way you load a previous save, or you look at the internet.)

But if you are an adventurer.....

Thank you, Mark

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