Me too, though being the lazy shaver that I am it sometimes grows out into a linux beard.
Working on it very gradually. Managed to grow something that resembles a mustache over the course of a month.
It's my hope that by the time I'm 20, I'll be able to go full caveman within a month.
My work makes me shave. Otherwise I could possibly grow a beard in half a year. I actually don't know how fast it could grow, since the longest I let it grow was about a week. And that resulted in a light beard.
I like men with stubbles, but any more than that is just too hairy, unless you can grow a Van Dyke style beard. I wish I could grow one.
I just shaved mine off. My wife and daughter started to complain.
I shaved my stubble this morning, now my face is baby smooth .
Eww, facial hair. Most men simply can't pull it off, but they try(and fail) horribly. And I'm not even talking about hideous stuff like neckbeards, either.
A bit too long and too into itself, but I did chuckle at "Chewbacca, was a beard."
I had a viking beard at one time...[censored] was perfect for the cold xD.
I always shave though cause my job needs me to have a baby face.
Psychostick is awesome. They definitely don't take themselves too seriously.
Got this patchy scruff on my face that I hate. I'd shave but I don't want to wait to regrow it again even though I'd most likely come out fuller and better looking
Maybe once I get a haircut?
I can grow a moderately respectable mustache but even without shaving the rest of my face stays hairless. Fate has condemned me to a life of untrustworthy facial hair.
I've been sporting a Van Dyke beard for about 10 years now. My facial hair grows in pretty fast and thick (I can go from clean-shaven to functional beard in a week), and at least with my current style of beard I can get away with trimming my beard just once a week while shaving the rest of my face (where the hair is a little less thick) every other day.
Mine grows over the majority of my face and down my neck, but it never grows as long as other beards that I've seen.. when it starts to get scruffy is the time I trim it, then I just leave it be until it's that time again. The only part of my beard I shave are the areas around my mouth, because that's the only place I don't like it growing.
I'm like Joe dirt. The Redneck genes are ingrained in me so bad that i grow the joe dirt goatee naturally without shaving anything in between. Seriously, i grow an awesome goatee, but i dont grow any hair on my cheeks for the full on beard, no matter how long i go without shaving.
That was me and it was closed for flaming, it was coming faster than I could tidy it up. Another one was started so I hope it stays civil.
Nothing against beards, I have always had a moustache and atm a short beard (chin only) but as the weather is warming up I will shave it off and just leave a soul patch.
The most facial hair I can grow is short mutton chops + neckbeard, so I normally stay clean-shaven.
Beard here. I hate shaving so much. No matter what techniques I research or way of shaving I always get incredibly itchy when I shave. If I let it grow out it isn't itchy. Seems like a clear win to me. Not to mention I have super coarse facial hair. Only two or three shaves and I need to replace an ordinary safety razor or it will really start to bother me when I shave.
Well I haven't shaved since Friday so I'm rocking a really good stubble that is just a day away from a beard, normally I have to shave twice a day but I've just decided to let it grow out for at least a week or so.
Update: made the decision to trim it off into a stubble. Shaving was something on my mind for about a week and so I settled for a close trim.
I like the result and hopefully it won't grow into patches again.