If you also have a link to any good guides out there on how to be a pure mage I would appreciate it!

For pure mage, you should focus and mainly two schools. Conjuration and Destruction
Good Conjurations Spells
Summon Frost Atronach
Summon Flame Atronach
Bound Bow
Bound Sword (DW is approved)
Good Destruction Spells
Fire Rune (Good for a tight spot. JUst set the trap around a corner or just in front of them)
Really all thre of the tier 2 elementals. (Ice, Fire, and Lightning)
Staffs really help too.
Depends on what you want to do, really. You could ditch Destruction and take up one handed and use conjured weapons, for example. Or even just regular weapons. If you plan on using destruction at all, you should take Alchemy and Enchanting. Alchemy for the fortify destruction stuff, but also just for restore magicka potions.
The benefits of vampirism affect sneaky/illusion mages the best, but honestly, I think being a Volkihar Vampire is a great idea for any destruction type mage. Many a times I've found myself depleted of magicka and have resorted to punching people in the face, so it helps being a Vampire Lord in tough spots like that. Especially when you're wading kneedeep in draugr. Backup plans are always nice.
I'd say you don't really need too much of a stamina investment, really. Restoration will restore your stamina when you get the relevant perk, and if you aren't running armor, your stamina efficiency will be pretty darn high, and if you aren't running weapons or armor, you'll find yourself with more space so you don't need capacity anywhere near as much as a two hander or heavy armorer will. Not to mention, you can always artificially enhance your carrying capacity with enchanting anywho.
I'd say put most of it in magicka so you don't get depleted, and invest most of the rest into health. If you're going to run Alteration as your main source of armor, it helps having some innate resistance in case you get sniped or set off a deadly trap.
Set to the hardest difficulty
Wear Nothing
Only have a spell in your left hand
Punch everyone who is a mage too
On a serious note.
Join Dawnguard, to get the spells offered.
Then get Serena to turn you whenever you're done.
Idk if Volkihar offer any unique spells
Well, if you're roleplaying you should join whichever side fits your character. If not, then Sirrockyqo's suggestion if probably best - join the Dawnguard for their benefits, and ...
I love all of you. You guys are the best! **swings fist in the air**freeze frame**
The ring of erudite is literally the only reason why I always pick vampire (that and the castle filled with food/slaves ) Even if you don't like the sun debuff, just enchant +100% stamina magicka health regen. thats what I did...
Never joined those svckers but I voted for the vampires. It only makes sense, seeing as they have unnatural advantages in several schools of magic.
you should. I just like the castle and the quests better. plus glowing eyes *jazz hands*
I was considering it, but now I am for sure. Jazz hands gets me every time...
I voted Dawnguard for the unique Restoration spells you can acquire that are very useful, and as a Mage I find having a 'tanky' follower can help, and the Dawnguard have several on offer as well as trolls for hire too. Also the Rune weapons you obtain through the Dawnguard quest I think a Mage would appreciate collecting.
Dawnguard for the spells, go vampire if you can RP a mage hungry for power or something similar. And then just console command the spells anyway.
I would recommend browsing this http://theskyrimblog.ning.com/group/character-building for all of your inspired character-building needs. I have no intention of telling you how I think you should play your character, but I will impart something noteworthy regarding Dawnguard;