Every time I brawl an npc,they get out weapons and try and kill me! Not punching,more like ax to the face.This made me kill uthgerd the unbroken,a bunch of random people,and everyone in cidhna mine.Everyone.
Every time I brawl an npc,they get out weapons and try and kill me! Not punching,more like ax to the face.This made me kill uthgerd the unbroken,a bunch of random people,and everyone in cidhna mine.Everyone.
Yeah, that's unfortunately a common bug that's been around for a while, Bethesda never fixed it for whatever reason. I think it may have been fixed in the Unofficial Patch, if you've got the PC version.
No,I very clearly initiated a brawl through the dialogue option, and after several hits they turn hostile.
I have a mod called way of the monk,perhaps that causes them to recognize fists as a weapon and become hostile?
Do you punch them before they put up their dukes? That could be why they treat you like a hostile...otherwise it's a bug or something caused by a mod.
ha I like the simpler 3 step process:
Step 1- Punch them in the face
Step 2- ???
Step 3- Profit
I always let them punch me first so in case I have to kill them, I don't get a bounty
*Follows instructions*
M'aiq is at your bidding. >_>
You aren't wearing the Ebony Mail by any chance, are you? I remember that having problematic repercussions during any brawl.
I don't know this mod, but it sounds like it could be causing this (at least it's worth looking into first, maybe you can find some information on their site).
A lot of other mods also cause issues with brawls, since they e.g. sometimes use (hidden) cloak spells as a workaround.
In this case the http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24020/? could hep.
Interestingly. Today I met a Wood Elf Courier in Ivarstead's inn. He looked like he was trying to copy my Wood Elf so I decided: "Cody, you're going to beat the [censored] out of him.", and so I did. Funny thing is. The Innkeeper brought out a knife, and proceeded to bury it in his chest. AND I STARTED IT. Plus he ran away and got killed. lol