...Ts3 and Ven reddy mic is broke tho... I can listen atm!
never got around to downloading mumble or I think I did I just didn't run the installer.... never heard of raidcall lol... raidcall sounds a bit extremely nerdy
ok, I have about 12-15 bindings from gaming voip each one a different group and it would have been more had I added mumble too.
my point is there is 576509 3rd party VOIP and hmm XB Live switched to Skype for this gen, sure some geeks and nerds over on Xbox One will probably refuse to use Skype and insist everyone use Ven/ or Ts3 or mumbles or random 3rd party program "X" but for the most part everyone will just be one the one service Skype.
So, from my experience of using the 7087783 3rd party VOIP programs in the past I will have to chalk this one up as +1 to consoles.
Now don't be offended one of my favorite girls is a geek and a nerd, and she is proud of it and we don't use it negatively