Adding armors and weapons to a game in progress

Post » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:46 am

Hey all,

Just wondering if adding new armor and weapon mods is potentially harmful. I imagine any quest related armor mods would be a nono due to scripts, but what about mods that add them to the crafting tables? or just place them in the world? Do these have scripts that will harm my game in progress? Thanks so much for reading!


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Post » Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:07 pm

Adding mods, even with scripts is safe. Adding or removing mods that only add items to the world, merchants or crafting is safe too. Even mods that modify reward weapons you can add to game in progress. Only thing to not do is removing mods that constantly run scripts and keep playing with the same save. Or that's how i've done it, without catastrophic consequences :shrug:

But to be absolutely safe, make a "hard" safe before adding a mod. If you decide you don't want it, you can load that and continue without worries.
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