Installing 2k Textures

Post » Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:24 am

What I'm about to ask is probably one of the most noob things I could ask, but I am confused. Basically, I'm wondering what all needs to be done to properly add the 2k textures. Since I now have to download all four different files seaparately, I don't see it being impractical installing it using NMM. Will the game automatically recognize this texture pack if I plop it down in its data folder? If so, then I should just be able to do that and run the game without a hitch, correct? I feel so dumb asking a question like this surrounded by others more deserving of an answer xD.

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Post » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:42 pm

There are Texture Mods, then there are Replacer Mods. The difference is one gives the game other textures to use instead of the stock ones, the other specifies which parts of the game use the new textures. I installed this mod quite a while ago, but IIRC, with 2K Textures, you just plop them into the data files folder (Textures and Meshes folders in particular) and they will work. If there is an ESP or ESM with it, then that will have to be checked in the Launcher.

However, no mod that has textures should ever be installed without a mod manager of some kind, reason, it's the only way you will be able to uninstall one texture mod and leave the rest in place.

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Post » Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:29 am

QFT - with one small caveat - you mean no mod that has loose textures, surely? A texture mod with a bsa is easy to uninstall.

OP, are you saying it's impractical to install with NMM? Why would that be the case (unless you only have a 32-bit operating system and NMM is playing up for you)?

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