What are some of the addons you guys would recommend to try out during the upcoming beta? I saw a dps meter kind of addon in one of the videos out there which seemed interesting (but I did not catch the name). Anything else?
What are some of the addons you guys would recommend to try out during the upcoming beta? I saw a dps meter kind of addon in one of the videos out there which seemed interesting (but I did not catch the name). Anything else?
Please tell me there aren't DPS meters? Please for the love of the eight say it isn't true..
If there are DPS meters at launch I'm going to enter a five minute facepalm.
But but but how do you stay "competitive" at the "endgame" with your cookie-cutter "build"! We need the DPS meters, I still do not know if my fart does 1 or 2 damage! I can't live without that omgfrpwnnoovzleetskillzhaxrotflmaoblasphemyuashduahdas
This one should pretty much cover you if you like addons, its in no way needed to play the game but some people prefer having such things, so the choice is yours:)
Just like any game - single or MMO, it is best play the game or the beat the game without mods or addons 1st. IMHO
During the beta my two things-to-do are 1) to try out som of the addons and see what they add to the game; 2) to make a character I am happy with and save its appearance in terms of character customization slidebars' positions.
OMG I WANNA SEE PRETTY NUMBERS WHEN I HEAL! I'm gonna look at that link, cheers
Lol wut? I've tried FTC last time, will go "naked" this time. The general feeling is that the API info will be strongly reduced anyway so I see no point in trying out something that will be changed very soon. Besides that, I really want to try to get away from the mold and try a minimalistic experience (will be disabling other ui elements as well)
Is there a Chat Bubbles mod already? That's the only thing I'm really missing, it feels like playing in a mute world sometimes.
What's so wrong about seeing the enemy's cast bar? I dunno how the mechanics of bigger boss fights will be but it's very normal in other MMOs to interrupt some certain casts just as mechanics. Also in pvp if I'm DPSing and harrassing healers, while smacking the crap out of them I would also want to interrupt their heals. Just business as usual in my books.
It's a long discussion but the main point is - Standard UI does no allow you to see this info but it is possible to show it through addons which feed off the API. This means there is a disparity in information between people who use addons and those who don't. If this info was available already in game, this would not be a problem. Anyway this point is moot at the moment as the API info will be changed so we just ahve to wait and see what happens.
The horse is dead. Please refrain from beating it.
Besides. This is a game that allows addons. The ONLY MMO that didn't allow DPS meters was GW2, and it didn't allow ANY addons. I made a bet in a previos thread that if there isn't a working mod for damage meters by launch, I'd pay everyone in the tread 1000 gold. That bet is still on. But I know I won't lose. They will be there. Best make your peace with it now.
The good thing is, they won't be as viable at measuring ones worth, as they are in games like World of Warcraft. This is an action based MMO, so we don't just stand on the spot and spam a rotation; making sure each ability is used as the previous one ends. This is about situational combat, moving out the way of attacks, interupting attacks, synergising with your other group members as basically just getting the job done.
"Did you see that? I crit for 192 damage and I'm doing 19.3 DPS!"
"..but you died.."
I wonder if there will be graphics mods? Similar to those in Skyrim to live things up a bit. I think the textures look a bit dull.
Feel free to come check out all the addons that have already been uploaded to ESOUI.com (50+). We've also just released our AddOn Manager/Updater, Minion.
Co-founder and Administrator
I guess it's a question of taste... the last videos on youtube with the DPS numbers flying all over the place makes me...well...sick.
Why anyone would want ESO to look like a wow interface..or any other mmo for that matter is beyond me. They worked hard to make the UI as clean as possible to give you that real TES and RPG immersion ... a shame to cover all that beauty up with flying text... *sigh*
But as i said... a question of choice and taste i guess.
I dont know about other people but I choose my build:
50% by fun mechanics and 50% by effieciency
I wont run around and stabbing people with tea spoon even if it may look cool.
Actually, it's all of those reasons why Combat Parsers are even more important here.
The problem is there is no middle ground on this issue . The second you allow in game addons , dps meters combat logs and number addons will pop up. I know this is a sensitive topic and people argue that once those addons are introduced people who dont like them will be forced to use them to stay competitive . Others might say that if u dont like to use addons , then just play with people who are like minded and dont use addons and that is entirely possible when levelling and PVEing but not possible in competitive large scale PVP for obvious reasons. GW2 had the best solution for those who detest addons. GW2 had a combat log and numbers, but they didnt allow used of addons.
Personally i love numbers and welcome these addons for competitive play. But can see that it wont appeal to everyone , especially roleplayers.
Roleplayers are like open world PvP'ers. They're a niche, and a very small one at that.
The only real difference is that roleplayers tend to be a bit more loyal, That said, you can role play pretty much anywhere, with very limited tools. And Addons don't get in the way at all.
"For sooth! I doth facerolled mine enemy with a critical hit!"
On topic 2 addons i will be using will be foundry tactical combat, and lootdrop to see items i am auto-looting(surprised the option wasnt in game)