So I have killed many bandits and foresworn when I go to sell the items I have looted off of them. I find I can only sell them to people in the Thieves guild???? WHY? this is so wrong. I am playing the legendary edition .
So I have killed many bandits and foresworn when I go to sell the items I have looted off of them. I find I can only sell them to people in the Thieves guild???? WHY? this is so wrong. I am playing the legendary edition .
Errrr... who are you trying to sell them to? Unless you get the Merchant perk, NPC merchants will only buy certain categories. Smiths will only buy weapons, armor, and smithing materials, court mages and college professors will only trade in soul gems, jewelry, books, and staves, etc etc. General store merchants will trade in everything though.
No item will be tagged as "stolen" if you loot it off an enemy such as a bandit. Its only stolen if you steal it yourself. Go with Madcat's advice.
Basically what MadCat221 said and AFAIK only traders in cities/villages e.g Belethor, Lucan Valerius will buy most stuff, so if you want to sell such loot to a smith or a wizard (Farengar) then the Merchant perk (level 50 in the skill) must be in use.
My speech is 57, The items are not flagged as stolen BUT I still cannot sell anything to a regular merchant (IE Belathor will not but any of it nor anyother NPC merchant unless I sell to a Fence no one will buy the loot off of the bandits I kill. They attack me and then I kill them. That is how I am getting the loot. I am not stealing it.
Thank you
PS sorry if I sound rude just frustrated with being overweight. I give the extra loot to the meat then take it back as I can. But itia can be very slow to get it back when Lydia is overweight.
ok I get it now thanks I do not have that perk yet thanks
Dont know if anyoen gave you a fishy stick. Here you go, welcome to the forums