I've been trying to tweak my lighting settings and I keep going back and forth between ELFX and RLO. While they're both good, I don't like how dark RLO is and ELFX is almost too bright. I just tried running both of them at the same time and it seems to be just about perfect. There are part of Bleak Falls Barrow that I can't see in (spiral staircase) but at the same time there's not an unrealistic amount of darkness like there is in RLO. My question though is whether or not this is a safe approach or is it a really bad idea.
I have Climates of Tamriel, ELFX, RLO, and RealVision ENB running. The funny thing is I think it looks great. But are there some major incompatibilities with running two similar mods at the same time? Does anyone else do anything like this?