Hello everyone. In honor of having my 10th follower die on my current playthrough I have made this thread for people to list what followers have died on them and how. Please add your own followers to the thread to pay your respects to them and allow others to do the same.
Note: I use UFO and several follower mods and set everyone to mortal. Only time I resurrect followers if if they die from a glitch. I use 3 followers at once but it is necessary because of the mods I use to make the game hard.
Anyway below are my so far dead followers. If it is someone you do not know of they are probably added by a mod.
Ra'Grul (Orc shock mage) Slain by Jyrik Gauldurson in Saarthal.
Brelyna Maryon (Dunmer College of Winterhold student) Ignited by Skeleton Mage outside Yngol Barrow.
Virani (Altmer elemental mage) Slain by Bandit Plunderer inside Fort Greymoor
Telvin Natharius (Imperial shock mage) Slain by Bandit Maurader inside Fort Greymoor
Varnan (Redguard conjurer) Ganked by 2 Draugr Scourges + there summoned Frost Atronachs at Hamvir's Rest
Lindil (Bosmer necromancer) Lit on fire by Oil Trap in Sunderstone Gorge
Remi (Nord fire mage) Squashed by Giant Berserker in field northwest of Bloated Man's Grotto, southeast of Sleeping Tree Camp, and west of a Dragon Mound.
Ra'Shavidi (Khajiit ice mage) Shot by Falmer Nightprowler in Chillwind Depths.
Onmund (Nord College of Winterhold student) Electrocuted by Falmer Nightlurker in Chillwind Depths.
Ruzar-Ei (Argonian shock + ice mage) Slammed by Ancient Spriggan Matriarch at crossroads southwest of Abandoned Prison.