I ran into a dungeon, found some ghost speaking elvish which I couldn't understand. Quest? Find a way to understand him...
- Move to next closet in front of said ghost: A pendant that lets you understand ancient elven ghosts!
- Ghost tells you to find 3 artifacts to free him.
- The next 3 closets down the hall each had 3 artifacts neatly lined up for me.
There are some good quests, but most of them have no challenge to them and are laid out so a 9 year old can complete them without reading the text. Why invest so much into voiced content if the quest is so simple that you really don't have to listen to the person talking to know how to complete it?
At the end of the quest either "Imprison this old guy or imprison the young guy". "Free the ghost or kill the guy". All you've added to the normal MMO formula is inconsequential choice at the end of said quest and you add it to every quest, so after 5 of these quests it loses its luster and simply feels like a gimmick. This all just voiced "Collect Bear Ass 0/10" where you can decide at the end who you deliver said bear ass to... not much evolution there.
After the 10th Ghost Quest in Glenumbra I was sick of it. Ghost quests, where a ghost shows you how they died, or what happened in the past, or is suffering due to a curse, is a great method of exposition. But use it too much and it just becomes a lazy way of telling a story. Frankly, I'd rather just collect 10 bear asses than seeing you all massacre the ghost trope.
I start off in Glenumbre and EVERY SINGLE PLOT OF LAND is a different quest. Glenumbra is simultaneously being invaded by werewolves, vampires, witches, dremora, cultists, thieves guilds, harpies and elementals. It really svcks to be these people. DOES ANYBODY HERE CATCH A BREAK? Given how much you've invest in immersion-- this cluster design breaks it. Note how your own single player games do not have this cluster. Some quests are local, but most of the time you actuallyhave to travel to complete stuff.
While you claim to have "exploration" gameplay. The format used is the same as having a quest hub. Yes they are spread out, no doubt, but instead of having quests in a central location, they are simply located in a sequential manner. I finished this quest so let me move on to the farm/keep next door and see what ghost/vampire/thief/draemora/witch/vampire is bothering them today.
You're not obliterating the quest hub format in favor of exploration. We all know the next quest will be 5 steps down the road and that the next quest will have mobs 1 level higher, you've simply changed how the hub concept is displayed to us. We know the farther away from the "starter" area in that zone you are, the harder the mobs/quests will be. Same thing, new presentation.