Alright, so first things first. I requested a "cheat mod" from this one guy. after he completed it, he kind of just fell off the map, it's been MONTHS since this happened. i was wondering if anyone could help fix this file? Here's the file itself on the nexus:
The problem is, the submachine gun and the destroyer minigun crash the game when entering VATS, so if anyone could fix that, and maybe make the whole set even more god-mode, then that would be VERY nice
Also, i need to understand a certain mod type, called ENB? What is it, what does it do, will ir CRASH any kind of mods if i get one, and which is the one that will make this game more immersive as a post apocoilyptic wastekland, and SCARY to play cause i finally get a computer capable of running this game without a BIT of trouble. (my only problem right nos is a graphics card is needed, but i GOT one... just not an adapter to plug in my VGA monitor plug. none in town, so i need to go to another city)