Soft caps and weapon damage?

Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:16 pm

Sorry guys, I tend to post outside the normal realm of BETA bashing on this forum but bear with me.

I am seriously confused by the attribute allocation within the game and have read SO MUCH conflicting information that it hasn't helped. I would like to know a definitive answer from someone who was on PTS and crunched numbers.

STA increases weapon ability what %? Where is this recorded other than staring at my combat log and saying "oh look, I did 3 more points of damage than normal"

STA apparently increases a staves white damage?? *boggle* I wont argue what they felt balance was, but this means a Health/Magic focused caster is a bad idea and shouldn't abandon Stamina.

Magic has a soft cap.....

Stamina has a soft cap....

Health has no cap?

Soooo......I should just put all my attribute points into health as my magica and sta are eventually going to soft cap themselves naturally with passives/gear/levels? Again.....*boggle*

I'm confused, someone give me a better understanding here. I was looking at a 40/40/20 split on a battlemage, and now I am very uncertain.

Can I reallocate those points spent at a later point in time? Like respec? Early game it would help to have a better pool of mana and STA, later game it wont be nearly as important, as I will have capped it out. So....Respec somehow?

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:42 pm

I put everything into magic and never encountered the soft cap. I don't know if this is an endgame thing and I don't have to worry about it or does it mean that if I come across several items that add magic to my character that all of sudden I will hit the soft cap even at level 10.

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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:20 pm

You will always get more magicka with each point to place into it, Magicka effects the damage of your abilities, the +% damage bonus soft caps and begins to deteriorate by apparently up to -50% bonus........I don't know where the soft cap is, and what +% bonus each point of Magicka grants as it is not recorded anywhere.

I apparently cant post links here.......that's unnerving. Check out STATS & OVERCHARGING in ESO, Part 2 on youtube.

Without knowing where they begin, or what exact % each point gives initially, I cant set a balance point.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:08 pm

I equiped my level 8 character with two green daggers, one below his level, so one 8 and one 7. Weapon damage overcharged. *shrugs*

I think, my preliminary feelings are the fix for something is breaking something else.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:31 am

I have to agree with you Lode, it seems like I am chasing a number that is changing each beta....this worries me for any builds I make before launch LOL

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