There are a lot of negative threadscomments here

Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:58 am

And rightfully so.

As much as anybody, I looked forward to playing Elder Scrolls Online. I enjoyed the last two betas I played (even with bugs). But this release (0.941004) so close to going live is very disappointing, and is in many ways worse than the last. Even though there are hours left to play this weekend I give up. There are simply too many quests that I can not complete because mobs I need to kill do not spawn, because I can not complete quests. I did not quest in AD but the other two zones had problems, especially Glenumbra. I think an issue ZOS has to look at is abandoning quests. As it is, when you abandon a quest the entire chain is deleted instead of the quest you are on. That is very annoying to have to re-do multiple quests simply because a named mob does not spawn. Also I had times when I could not talk to or interact with quest-related mobs (for example, to heal them). No amount of re-logging in worked, no amount or reloadui worked. Plus multiple more annoying bugs (horse?) to recount here.

Please don't tell me this is just a stress test. I have played in other MMO betas; some worked like clockwork just prior to release and some did not. ESO fits in the latter category. It won't be an EA type nightmare launch but this will not be pretty.

Yes, I did report the bugs, a few multiple times.

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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:18 am

I'm playing on the same version and feel the same way about the new area Deshaan for Ebonheart. Literally it is like spending an hour or two getting to the end of a quest arc to find that it can't be completed. Then going to Cyrodiil to play capture the flag all day.

But careful OP don't be too vague about complaints the fans here hate that.

Also don't be to precise either because then they will say you have a problem.

Actually don't be too surprised if no matter what you say there is no appreciation - if you are critical you are labeled a hater with severe emotional problems. Expect to be told you are a whiner that you are entitled and that the only position to be in is grateful for playing an alleged triple A game.

Your best bet for minimizing this may come from addressing your concerns to the developers via this thread. Otherwise they will all assume you are talking to them and they will correct you endlessly.

But why listen to me I was not going to but this game in the first place - eh it will likely be F2P like most other triple a games in no time.

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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:25 pm

You got the pious thing down Psymon, so that's nice.


What do you want people to say?

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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:58 am

It's that time before launch where the people who don't like the game for some reason or another post on forums. They are trying to justify their decision by persuading others not to like or buy the game too. Then at launch they will re-appear and say, "I told you so" if it was a failure. Happens with almost all games. Go look at the comments before Titanfall's release and that game has been one of the successes this year. The Titanfall naysayers have largely disappeared back into the woodwork.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:46 pm

Yeah you are right I see them in nearly every new mmo release and single player game release. Not sure why they bother to be honest, I never listen to them anyway.

As for the game there are bugs, they will get fixed. Name one mmo OP that has 0% bugs even 3, 6, 9 or even 10 years after release.

I know some say this game is going to fail and I have seen many games go free to play after a lack luster launch. With the ESO game though I have a good feeling this game will actually make it and remain sub based way into the future. Only if ZOS does a few things though and that is to show they are fixing the bugs, listen to player feedback and add new content over time.

Two out of the three they are working on which is listening to player feedback and their writers are drawing up new content. As for the bugs well that is going to be an never ending task for a mmo and I wish the team who fixes them all the best because they are going to need it.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:01 am

The problem isn't the bugs, it's the broken quests. There are other bugs like the horse disappearing for no reason, but you simply can't level if the quests are broken.

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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:07 am

How dare you say such a thing, where is your evidence?

Oh, there it is. Sorry carry on.

Seriously, I mean wow, just two posts after. Took the bait, and never realised it. The irony of it.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:33 am

Lol, spot on :P
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:45 am

I won't let nobody change my mind about the game being broken,boring,etc. I mean I will be playing on the xbox one with friends so we still have time but until I am actually playing it as a officially release and not a beta, I won't judge the game 100%. I am going to buy the game no matter what (imperial edition) and with the free month I will decide myself how the game is, not what some beta testers say, not even if its the majority.
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:50 am

Why didn't you post this in one of the other threads? There are many to choose from, as you pointed out in your forum rule breaking title.

The reason there are so many negative threads here on the forums, are because you people have this thing in common, where you're seamingly unable to use the search function. Stop making new topics about the same thing; instead, post in one of the existing topics.

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liz barnes
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:49 am

I'm not saying that all the naysayers are wrong. But a surge of negativity usually happens a few weeks leading up to the release of a game. It makes you wonder where they have been throughout the process when their issues could have been addressed.

ZOS did make big changes though like first person and starter islands. First person I can understand given the ES heritage and that people voiced their concerns early last year. The starter island change less than 60 days till launch I don't understand. They changed it after some reviewers said the game was too slow. However the game apparently wasn't too slow for players in the pts and they had been playing for almost a year in closed beta.

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Allison C
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:15 pm

sounds about right OP before this beta this game was a pre order i didnt get to far into it the last beta but i got to lvl 12 this time around and all i can say is no way this is a pre order. maybe ill be back after a few months they got alot of work to do in AD they dont have the starting zone in order what are the other 4 zones gonna be like.several people in my guild that were higher level and in the other 2 zones that were opened were all complaining about quest bugs and others.i mean i barely got about 1/2 of auridon explored and started questing but 5 quest chains came to a abrupt halt as mobs wouldnt spawn or npc's wouldnt carry out the actions necessary for the quest to the OP said no amount of logging in and out ,reloadui, straight quiting the game nothing seemed to work.

1. In The Name of the queen - no reason to protect the priestess perform the ritual when she just sits there doing nothing for hours at a time.tried everything i knew how to do cameback several times nothing she just chilling

2. The Unveiling - Carodin or w/e his/her name is would not spawn at all again went thru the various attempts to try to fix it came back several times wasted atleast 2+ hours just sitting there waiting and attempting to get it to work

3. Daughter of giants w/e. got to the part were lyris went up to the rocks to knock them out of the way well it was a swing and miss logged in and out multiple times

finally quit game at this point really like 6 quests into the main starting area outside the city and 3 are bugged and unable to finish beside the 2 on the starter island the rat nests and the tree roots being healed the spriggan or w/e it was supposed to be just chillin not moving at all.very disappointed is all i have to say

hard to believe this game has been in beta for 10 months and is 2 weeks from release i mean i understand we should expect bugs and broken mechanics but cmon really 10 months into beta and your starting area is this kind of mess maybe be back in a few months after some of these get worked out

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:31 pm

We can thank Angry Joe for that. He pretty much single handedly brought these changes about. His video review went into great detail on what he thought about those starter islands; and with a video as popular as his, with over a million views and 25,000 likes, it's no wonder the development team were shocked into action. He wasn't the only reviewer to make this claim either, though I suspect many of them were simply jumping on the bandwagon.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:30 am

That is what I do. There always seems to be one right at the top.

It is the only kind of response that seems to not result in endless berating and insults. If fans would allow just one shred of critical feedback without swarming it with equally biased feedback then perhaps more relaxed communication could be possible.

Having said that I maintain that the real issue is this. The developer has made it near impossible to give direct feedback. Even the in-game mechanics are very impersonal and distance creating. They are only available during beta test and to beta testers. Emails to the developers are going to be ignored. It would take a small mind to not see that. The official forums closed when beta not open -- so that leaves this forum. The developers have said that the read the forum and I've even seen them post. Posting here serves two purposes to the critic: 1) a chance to get the developers attention 2) a chance to commiserate with others and bounce ideas off of them.

The problem though is that fans of the game want neither of these things to happen. they want the forum to be what they want it to be for them: Happy tree friends who share in the joy of a game they love. They then take up the role of moderators and correct people in threads that are obviously and completely not the topic they should be reading if they want happy tree friends. If you a fan of the game then why come to a thread like this and attempt to correct this man's experience? The posts then turn to a condescending tone of "oh look a sub-human who has issues ... again."

I will say as a shrink it is a fascinating source of group think dynamics going on. That keeps me reading more than the game anymore. I can't even bring myself to log onto it anymore.

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