Those are not exclusive.
Grow up, is my opinion.
Those are not exclusive.
Grow up, is my opinion.
Context is not really assuming. That is reading the conversation progression and interpreting what was said.
That's the hardest thing to teach teenagers. Our actions and mannerisms aren't about what WE intend them to be, but in how they are perceived by others. Personal intent has no weight in any court of law outside of proving the intent of murder to make the punishment more severe.
This becomes a more evident lesson when people travel abroad. My Marines had the hardest time understanding this. So we showed them a video where some gate guards were telling a vehicle to stop (holding up their hands, palm out, and yelling stop) and the vehicle kept approaching. In the end, they opened fire. The culprit?
'Hand up, palm out' meant 'proceed' in that country. The guards were punished for not listening to the cultural brief and essentially murdering civilians who were simply following instructions.
The guards intended no harm at all.
still, technically assuming. technically!
correct. which is a form of assumption. common sense...
My advice is if you don't like what people are saying in chat, use the ignore option. As someone already stated.
Unless we're talking about numbers, all forms of communication is based on assumptions. Sorry to say, there is no universal language.
When I say 'I want a coke', where I live, they ask me what type: Dr Pepper or Pepsi. But in North Carolina, if I say 'I want a coke', they bring me a Coca Cola, or at best, ask me 'diet or regular'.
Even body language is based on assumptions.
How about this.....if you did get banned for it, you would not win your appeal argument. Much like you are attempting to do on this thread.
Only in America is that word banned ? Over in the UK a [censored] is another name for a ciggy or a bundle of wood. Can also mean a piece of fish if my memory serves me correct.
that's unfortunately unfair. because honestly, it still is technically assuming. also, like the others have said do you really think they would ban for a first offense of me calling others some sticks?
I will say this: the person who believed your side of the story? I would have no respect for.
Yes that's true. And in no way would be used as an insult in this context, as it was clearly being used as a derogatory remark.
*oops quoted wrong post
Let me educate you on something. In-game, you are only a guest. You are renting time in a private domain, just like if you went into a restaurant or a theme park. It is private owned, and their rules are their rules. Your interpretation of an incident does not matter- if you use a word that is widely considered to be derogatory, regardless of what other definitions the word has, you can be asked to leave, because that's part of the rules.
Perhaps the effort you're using to explain your behavior would be better used to expand your vocabulary and maturity level.
OMG THIS GUY. I was calling them ciggys and wood! see! he gets it! nothing bad here!!! come on guys! i'm serious! i'm from the uk and i was calling them wood!!!
you have no respect for unbiased people? like the other guy said read what i said above^ in the uk they call it wood! i'm from the uk!
I think we're done here. You're clearly trying to talk yourself out of a situation.
Stop playing with words OP and trying to claim you meant something else, as Talaran said earlier you will get a warning here for it and also for avoiding our forum word censor - as you have "technically" done so in the first post.
Leave it at that.