Ash Pile - anti ghost edition

Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:41 am

I want to make an actor become an ash pile. But I don't want him to have any of the other ghost abilities and shaders from the DefaultGhostScript. What should I keep and what should I trash from that script?

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:19 pm

So that someone can help you, here is the text of the script:

Scriptname defaultGhostScript extends Actor  EFFECTSHADER PROPERTY pGhostFXShader AUTOFORMLIST PROPERTY pDefaultGhostWeaponFlickerList AUTOCONTAINER PROPERTY pDefaultGhostCorpse AUTOEXPLOSION PROPERTY pdefaultGhostDeathExplosion AUTOLEVELEDITEM PROPERTY pdefaultGhostLeveledList AUTOBOOL PROPERTY bdefaultLoot=FALSE AUTO{mark true if you want the default ghost loot and not the NPCs}BOOL PROPERTY bflicker=FALSE AUTO{don't use this yet}SPELL PROPERTY pGhostAbilityNew AUTOSPELL PROPERTY pGhostResistsAbility AUTO; //any perks you want to addPERK PROPERTY pGhostHalfDamagePerk AUTOBOOL PROPERTY bFade=FALSE AUTO{makes the ghost fade out instead of explode}; //make sure only one flash is activeBOOL bFlash=FALSE; //the person who caused the ghost to flashACTOR target; //////////; //LOOT PILE VARIABLES; //////////; //////////; //ASH PILE VARIABLES; //////////float property fDelay = 0.75 auto{time to wait before Spawning Ash Pile}float property fDelayEnd = 1.65 auto{time to wait before Removing Base Actor}float property ShaderDuration = 0.00 auto{Duration of Effect Shader.}Activator property pDefaultAshPileGhost auto{The object we use as a pile.}Bool property bSetAlphaZero = True auto{The Effect Shader we want.}FormList Property pDisintegrationMainImmunityList auto{If the target is in this list, they will not be disintegrated.}EFFECTSHADER PROPERTY pGhostDeathFXShader AUTO{the shader to play while dying}race VictimRacebool TargetIsImmune = True; ///////////; //ONLOAD; ///////////EVENT onLoad()	; // add on the abilities	SELF.addSpell(pGhostAbilityNew)	SELF.addSpell(pGhostResistsAbility)			; // for some reason this makes ghostFlash work better	IF(bFlicker)		ghostFlash(1)	ENDIF			ENDEVENT; /////////; //ONHIT: When the ghost is hit, if the player isnt using the proper weapon, have them fade; /////////EVENT onHIT(OBJECTREFERENCE akAggressor, FORM akSource, Projectile akProjectile, BOOL abPowerAttack, BOOL abSneakAttack, BOOL abBashAttack, BOOL abHitBlocked)		; //if we're supposed to flicker and we're hit by a weapon without turn and we're not blocked, flash	IF(bflicker && !pDefaultGhostWeaponFlickerList.hasForm(akSource) && !abHitBlocked && !bFlash)		bFlash = TRUE		target = akAggressor as ACTOR		ghostFlash(3)	ENDIFENDEVENT; /////////; //GHOSTFLASH: play this to flash the ghost when hit or attacking; //; //float time: the amount of time to be invincible; /////////FUNCTION ghostFlash(FLOAT time)	; //stop the effect to keep the particles	pGhostFXShader.stop(SELF)	SELF.setGhost()		; //be invincible for x seconds	utility.wait(time)		; //return the ghost to normal	SELF.setGhost(FALSE)	SELF.setAlpha(0.3)		bFlash = FALSE	ENDFUNCTION; /////////; //ONDYING: On dying play an explosion to mask the ghost vanishing and being replaced by his corpse; /////////EVENT onDYING(ACTOR killer)		IF(bFade)		SELF.blockActivation(TRUE)		disable(1)	ELSE				; //check to see if the target is in the immunity list		IF(pDisintegrationMainImmunityList == none)			TargetIsImmune = False		ELSE			ActorBase VictimBase = SELF.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase			VictimRace = VictimBase.GetRace()						IF(pDisintegrationMainImmunityList.hasform(VictimRace) || pDisintegrationMainImmunityList.hasform(VictimBase))				TargetIsImmune = True			ELSE				TargetIsImmune = False			ENDIF		ENDIF		; //if the target is not immune, disintegrate them		IF(TargetIsImmune == False); 			debug.trace("victim just died")			SELF.SetCriticalStage(SELF.CritStage_DisintegrateStart)			IF(pGhostDeathFXShader != none),ShaderDuration)			ENDIF						SELF.SetAlpha (0.0,True)						; //attach the ash pile			SELF.AttachAshPile(pDefaultAshPileGhost)						IF(bdefaultLoot)				SELF.RemoveAllItems()				SELF.addItem(pdefaultGhostLeveledList)			ENDIF										utility.wait(fDelayEnd)			IF(pGhostDeathFXShader != none)				pGhostDeathFXShader.stop(SELF)			ENDIF			IF(bSetAlphaZero == True)				SELF.SetAlpha (0.0,True)			ENDIF			SELF.SetCriticalStage(SELF.CritStage_DisintegrateEnd)		ENDIF		ENDIF	ENDEVENT
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