Just curious what enchantments everyone puts on their armors, and weapons
Do you switch out sets of armor often?
Just curious what enchantments everyone puts on their armors, and weapons
Do you switch out sets of armor often?
I switch armour sets a lot. My characters have different armour for different scenarios. Like a battlemage armour set with a balance between magic and combat enchantments for example.
As for weapons, it depends. Nordic or Stalhrim always gets Ice, while anything else tends to get Lightening.
Can't go too far wrong with firey soul trap, I always find. Nice to have a shock-enchanted bow on hand as well for fire breathing dragons/Dunmer/mages, too. Absorb health and/or stamina can be a life saver on melee weapons. I quite like having a health and/or magicka boost on my gear, and possibly some extra sneak or armour boosts, and/or magic resistance. I sometimes end up with six or seven different sets, most of which stay at home in a chest while I go everywhere in my bog standard (legendary) red vampire armour with a bit of a destruction/regen boost and a circlet 'helm' or mage hood. Current character needs to work on her enchantment a bit, I think, she's currently got pretty much no enchanted gear except for a ring and a necklace, although I'm using SkyRe so she can put temporary enhancements on her sword with an Alteration spell (need to remember to buy a couple more spells next time she's in a city.)
For my mage character i use clotes enchanted this way:
Hood: Fortify Destruction + Fortify Alteration
Robe: Fortify Alteration + Fortify Illusion
Gloves: Increase magika + Carry weight
Boots: Muffle + Carry weight
Necklace: Fortify Destruction + Fortify Illusion
Ring: Fortify Destruction + Fortify Alteration
I use Alteration and Destruction as main spells (0 cost) and Illusion and Restoration as back-up.
I only carry one dagger enchanted with Fiery soul trap and absorb health (i have low carry weight, even with 2 items enchanted)
For my warrior character i use heavy armor, war axe+sword enchanted this way:
Helm: Waterbreathing + Fortify Destruction
Armor: Increase health + Fortify Destruction
Gloves: Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Carry weight
Boots: Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Stamina regen
Necklace: Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Healing rate
Ring: Fortify One-Handed + Increase Stamina
Sword: Fiery soul trap + Absorb Health
War axe: Absorb health + Absorb Stamina
With Fortify Destruction over 90%, i don't have to recharge the weapons for months (unless i lvl up my enchanting skill - legendary)
My Dwarf gets Health/stamina bonuses with magic resist mixed in. On his weapon he will get Life drain on one and Lightning on the other.
Which enchantment depends on the character. I'm very bad with soultrap spells so my mages tend to have daggers with soultrap. My warriors usually have either fire or lightning, sometimes just to name the sword.
My non-enchanting battlemage ( only one craft and I chose smithing) enchanted her husbands sword " Vorstag's wedding present",
Well, it depends on what kind of character I play. For armor, it ranges between Elemental Resistance to increased Heavy/Light armor to Combat Skill. For weapons, there's usually only 1 certain that's almost on every character. Dual Enchmantments with one of the weapons having Soul Trap. At least one weapon with every character. I do hate using Conjuration.
I like absorb stamina on weapons. Power attacks for days.