First off, a bit of background on me. Super huge fan of EVE Online (totally different from this).
I never played WoW.
Of the rollercoaster MMORPGs, I have played:
STO(Alpha, Beta, and First Month)
SWTOR(Alpha, Beta, First 9 months)
Defiance (Alpha, Beta, 2 months of play)
Yea, it ain't a big list but I do competitive FPS a lot (no Call of Duty)
Ok, onto ESO:
I only played as a Dragonknight Nord with 1h/1Shield combo. Time-constraints with little ones wanting to play Lego Marvel
I got to level 18. Started PvP at level 13. GO PACT!(Actually we got double-teamed a lot)
I ran into bugs, quite a few of them. However, this wasn't my first Beta rodeo so I know that will get ironed out.
We definitely stressed Cyrodiil Sunday. My beefy PC can handle anything so I know it wasn't that.
I loved that whole "battlefield" type warfare. I just didn't know how to go about it all the time. My character is a frontline-esque type player in a non-frontline-esque game. I run to battle only to get pushed and pulled ALL THE TIME. I dealt with it though because sometimes the wrong people would do that to me.
I especially loved the cloaky players that would gank me. Cool story you got the sneak on me, just come at me better when I'm up on my feet.
I love the whole siege aspect and the repairing and rebuilding. I love the whole strategy and also hoping you get into a group with a solid firm grasp of what the hell was going on.
The game has it, and I like it. However, you can't honestly have the experience I make myself in Skyrim. Yes, it's lore-tastic but its a shell of it's self and basically a theme-park version of the series we love so much.
It's still the healer, tank, DPS crap I hate about MMOs. It is what it is but that stuff stinks when you just want to be a warrior and kick butt but you can't because 4 warriors can't punk things in a need a healer, and someone who stand there and takes it. It's my fault tho, everytime I put in "DPS LFG whatever dungeon" and wait about an hour or so to get a response. I chose that. If I wanted to get in those more...definitely be a healer.
Final Thoughts:
That PvP system might have sold me. I give 2 craps if I die in that. I just jump back on that horse and back to war.
I can play the PVE content but I won't remember any of it unless the integral scenes are awesome like SWTOR had. I can run through PVE content like its nothing in a week or 2.
The Raid stuff is a chore, when it works its great but man, when it doesn''s hell on earth in a chat window. Still not as bad as EVE ONLINE in that respect, Incursions just svck the fun out of gaming.