Whenever I go to Riverwood the guards try to arrest me, fine. But whenever I submit. They just ignore it, and then I get an option saying "What's the problem?" then it just keeps looping, then I press tab then they start attacking. It is really annoying because I just finally got the game stable after like 2-3 days of tweaking stuff.
Is there any mods people know of that could be ruining a script?
here is a list of mods that I have:
All of the expansion packs
Latest ENB by Boris Vorontsov (I forgot the name of the ENB)
Interesting NPCs
Adura's Player shop mod
Amazing follower tweaks
More beards
Better Blacksmithing
Better Dynamic Snow
Better Embers
Realistic Lighting
Birds and flocks
All of the Book Covers of skyrim mods
Brawlbug plugin
Breezehome lighting fix
Build your own house
Build your own city
Complete Crafting Overhaul
Lore based loading screens
Wearable lanterns
Civil war overhaul
Cloaks of skyrim + Dawnguard comp. patch
Craftable clothes
Deadly combat
deadly dragons
Enhanced blood textures
Immersive armors
Immersive Weapons
Immersive Creatures
Enhanced sound track 1+2
Falskaar + Dawnguard comp. patch
Helgen reborn
Complete Skyforge
Become a bard
Lanterns of skyrim - all in one
Midas magic
Midas magic expanded
Project Ultimatum
Pumping iron
Quest: Into the depths
Quest: The realm of daedra
Quest: No mercy
Quest: Sea of ghosts
Quest: Sorcery
Quest: The bigger they are
Skyfalls + Skymills + Dawngaurd & Dragonborn comp. patch
Skyrim Unbound
Skyrim Flora overhaul
More sounds Dungeons + City + Wilds
The Dance of death
Throwing weapons redux
Granite hall + Laintar dale + Oakwood
Ultimate combat (should really deactivate this one beacuse i already have deadly combat.)
Quest: Undeath
Unique uniques
Upgraded weapons and armor
Werewolves of skyrim
Immersive beds
Wet and cold
I am 99% sure that is all of the mods I have. Hopefully someone can help me on this.