Title says it all.
No sense me doing anything in the CK, when I already know it's doomed to failure.
Actual modding or downloading mods? If 1st, then yes, if you don't have the patience. If 2nd, then lol no.
I feel you. I started tons of mods and I released only a single (and a pretty crappy at that) house mod. I keep being attracted to it thouh, it's a disease. I play Skyrim and I'm constantly feeling guilty, "Damn, I could have been modding now". XD
Creating your own mod? Or adding mods to your game?
I've always wanted to give creating a mod a shot, but i have no idea what i'm doing i would love to create an Ayleid ruin dungeon somewhere in the mountains to the south
@Terra Nova: what do you mean by 'failure'? Your mods not turning out as well as you envisioned? Your mods not getting popular enough? I'm curious.
If everyone followed that logic we would not have many mods at all. Without any mods Skyrim wouldn't have any lasting appeal for me, and I would probably not still be playing it.
I do lots of tweakings of my own in Creation Kits, but I have never released any mods to speak of. Hmm, should I just start scheduling everything I do now? It might help me in that case. I always wanted create a weapon of my own in Skyrim using 3DS Max. It's quite a fun program. Watch some videos online how to use it though or you will be just completely lost
Oh boy. I know that feeling all the time. "disease" is the perfect term for this and I wish I never had it. Then it makes me want to stop progressing in Skyrim sometimes.
I wouldn't even be still playing it if not for the wonderful gift of modding... I often make followers unique to a certain playthrough, and the gates that mods unlock are infinite.
You my friend, need either a better computer or better mods.
I have always wanted to make a mod. But I know that learning all of the scripting and stuff is going to take a while so, whenever I open the creation kit up, I make a small landscape then I just lose track of what I was doing, and then just start screwing with stuff. And looking at the inner workings. Maybe once I start learning programming I will make a mod...
I bought the game through Steam and I dont even have the CK. I wish I did, so I can try my hand on some smaller things and work my way up, but hey it is what it is.
Still dont know what the OP is referring to, sounds like a drive by troll since there was not a good explanation or a repost. *shrugs*
Thanks, I do appreciate that bit. Will give it a shot when I am off of work later.
The title might say it all, but you have no reason for saying modding is a failure.
You should probably elaborate!
Yeah, I wish I had the patience to learn how to make a mod and use the creation kit. I have a cool idea : Basically is an underground city, the entire mod would be inside a HUGE dungeon, and when you first get there, you'd see blocked off passages, but as you do quests and work your way through the mod, tunnels would open up, exposing new areas. Also thought it would be really cool if you could use the mining ore veins to have the player have to do some of the digging themselves. For example, have like 5 veins blocking a passageway, then once the player mines each, they disappear, allowing them to progress further, to eventually opening up a new area for themselves.