Does anyone know or have strong opinions on what would be an optimal number of tradeskills to have per character?
Does anyone know or have strong opinions on what would be an optimal number of tradeskills to have per character?
Optimal I would say is one crafting profession. You can have way more than that but you will be gimping yourself the more you have.
The devs said that you should be able to have two skills and only lose a scant few skill points. Of course once you reach 50 you could spec everything away from combat skills and go pure crafter if you wanted to.
I'm just going to go for one and see how it goes for me. I may pick up another one later on if it looks like skill points are coming thick and fast.
Definitely will be focusing on just one while leveling up, considering that it will take 11 skill points at minimum (8 to rank up the associated material skill and 3 resin/temper/tannin efficiency) just to be able to craft and improve top tier armor and weapons. That's not counting other points spent in extraction, gathering or the hireling (I found hirelings to be quite garbage tbh) skills.
Planning to have 2 each on my Templar and NightBlade (the 2 toons I expect to play the most) and just the 1 each on my Sorc and DK.
I'd think 2 would be easily doable while leveling if you skip the convenience passives that only provide increases in the rate that you gain materials or chances of item improvement. Actually any number is possible if you're willing to very narrowly spec the active abilities and passives you take - which wouldn't be much of a problem in the easy PvE - but you'll be gimping yourself in PvP.