I made sneak legendary whent to white river watch (not far from whiterun) and there is a blind guy sitting in a chair sneak behind him back up against the wall and rubberband your controler and let it stay there it leveled my sneak up from 15 to 70 in less than one hour.
The same blind guy makes a GREAT!!! way to level up pickpocketing start out by finding necklaces and/or rings of pickpocketing (or what ever they are called) LOL. equipt them
SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE you try the next step!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pickpocket this guy by placing less than 100 gold on him and pickpocket him if you get caught just restart the game. As your skill gets higher you can place more and more gold on him and pickpocket it back keep going you will level your pickpocket skill real quick
OH one thing though if he ask you who you are just answer him that it is the guy he is asking about.