Hi Guys
I'm a complete newcomer to the Elder Scrolls series. I was a big fan of the Baldurs Gate et al games way back when. I thought I was doing ok until I hit the Tomb Raider section of The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. I spent more than I'm prepared to admit to for the Prima Guide but still cant figure out how to get the past the 3 portcillises. The recommendation is to use the whirlwind shout twice but whatever I try the recharge time stops me from getting through. I've tried various distances from the gates but have to admit I'm foxed.
Is this a result of the increase in PC speeds since the game was issued of simply a refection of deterionating reflexes brought on by advancing years and alcohol abuse.
Any help would be really appreciated as this re-interest in D&D has been sparked by the iminant release of Elder Scrolls Online. I did toy with WOW a few months ago but found it ultimately lacking in depth. My initial experience with Skyrim indicates that his is a much deeper experience, so I do really need to be able to proceed.