Redguards are one of the only two human races in TES I find interesting.
Redguards are one of the only two human races in TES I find interesting. "Curly hair, particularly if black/dark brown, often suggests evil and/or Ax-Crazy tendencies in advlts"
I hear you, people that criticize the crap out of Skyrim tend to overlook to ton of work that's put into making such a game.
BTW I had no idea Jim Kelly died, that made me slightly's strange how the quarterback of the same name is currently fighting cancer.
I was talking about the major skills and how they were the only way to level up...they were indeed set in stone as you couldn't change them once you've picked your poison. I used a Redguard because they gave a bonus to fighting skills that boosted them slightly beyond the cap.
I've only had 1 Redguard.. maybe 2 hours in with him. I don't know what it is, but I find Redguards to be a boring race.
Nah they used it to describe the whole province. The borders and coasts are alright though.
To everyone who helped: You have my gratitude!
The fact that they nuked their own continent with pretty primitive technology, fought the Dominion to a standstill when the Mighty Imperial Legion couldn't do the same and even after all these years continue to successfully repel the Dominion is proof enough that they are an impressive race.
Meh. They're fine. The thing that bugs me is that their skills are... well, not useful together. One handed is great. Destruction is great. Archery is great. But why would you focus on Destruction, when you can get both one hadned and archery to work well without having to move any points to magicka. Good in theory, but going strictly by their racial bonuses, I don't find them to be especailly powerful.
Their racial ability is great... but again the problem with the magicka stuff being completely unaffected by it. The altmer have a similiar ability, except its much more useful cause all their skills are based around magic.