Deliberately gimping yourself through suboptimal use of resources is not "roleplaying" (Going for a suboptimal build that more closely matches what you want to do can be, though, but even those who do go for Supreme Ultimate Power are not "Worse at roleplaying" than others.) I can understand someone having a character who wears a specific armor - Image and comfort are not represented in the game, but are gaps that can be filled by the player's mind. Even some strategies reflect personality more... but all that aside, there are practical reasons to want to use Turn Undead if Restoration is your only form of attack spell.
There's actually a damn good reason to use Turn Undead and other fear-style spells: Crowd control. Also, unlike healing potions, Turn Undead doesn't cost permanent resources. You can't Pause+Heal if you ran out of healing potions last fight. The CC shouts have a lot of limitations.
Healing spells are probably more efficient if you're fighting a single powerful enemy. But, when you're facing two Draugr Death Overlords, you're essentially taking Triple Damage from them unless you can quickly shut one down to deal with later. Three is even worse. Even at low levels, Draugr Scourges supported by WIghts can be too much to take on at once. Turn Undead takes an enemy out of the fight immediately.
It's exceptionally viable at high levels, that is, after completing
But in the mean time, it can enhance role-playing significantly. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about what is, "best", simply concern yourself with what you find the most amusing.
i laugh always at the racist Stephen a smith. and his white counterpart.
thank god, i despise all idiots.