[RELz] The Crusher

Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:00 am

(Apparently I can't quite post links yet. You can find the mod on the Nexus by searching "Crusher")

It occurred to me today that I never actually posted any of my mods here. Oppsies. So here I am.

Anyway, this mod is about Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor. It was modeled (painstakingly I might add, it was hard to find help with it) based on how ancient Mjolnir pendants were shaped and what they looked like. The reason I chose this aesthetic for the hammer (rather than the examples out of Marvel Comics for instance) is because I wanted to make a weapon that was closer to Norse mythology, while at the same time being an impressive weapon. Seeing as a true to the mythology Mjolnir wouldn't be much different than the vanilla blacksmiths hammer, I looked to the Mjolnir pendants the Norse people made, as these gave me an image of a hammer that was much more impressive in stature and more fitting for something that is aptly named "The Crusher".

Right now its just the hammer with a basic shock enchantment as well as a chance to push back nearly anything, ala Unrelenting Force. The location can be found on the mod page (either by figuring out my simple riddle, or cheating and going to the comments page). It should also be noted if you watch the Mod highlight video there that the weapon is not a cheat weapon. His game is going on some combination of novice difficulty, super enchantments, or some other nonsense. The hammer is comparable to a daedric weapon.

I'll also go ahead and use this page for my other mods (retextures), which whenever I'm able to post links, I'll go ahead and post here as well.

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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:05 pm

Here's the link for ya: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36298/?

I think you need 10 post before you can put links up.

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Alina loves Alexandra
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