I want to look cool too!! Or more importantly I rather look cool in my outfit than have the best stats. So are there any nice looking armor or just clothes to be had?
I want to look cool too!! Or more importantly I rather look cool in my outfit than have the best stats. So are there any nice looking armor or just clothes to be had?
Well, generally more stats means cooler looking(or at least they try to do this). Imperial style armor looks pretty cool, but the imperial low level helmet looks kind of meh(though the high level one is badass).
I ran without a helmet while not in Cyrodiil. I'd rather take the hit to my stats than look like a city guard.
There's an option to turn off your helmet showing which I appreciate because as with most MMOs the light and medium helmets tend to be pretty horrid.
Yeah I turned off hats until I got my hoodie hehe... then it was good.
Still needs colour options etc if not for existing gear then for crafting XD
We do have a cosmetic item slot. I've only seen a handful of cosmetic armours first-hand in-game so far, and most of those were quest related. That being said all were quite nice in their own way. Hopefully the system will be one utilized by development and expanded upon in the future.
I usually wore one of the disguise Outfits I'd picked up along the way. I had one disguise picked up via quest that looked like a full set of black leather armour, and it looks so nice I wear it all the time, rather than show the random collection of gear I am actually wearing.
Only problem with the disguise slot is that it's All Or Nothing, one item changes your entire appearance... and you cannot generally sneak while wearing the disguise...
This, i personally loved disguises in the game and collected one of every single type .
Really? i never had the issue with sneaking.
Another thing I just came to think of is that I haven't heard or seen anything about dyes and dyeing clothes? Is it not in the game?
i want to dye my clothes and mix 'n match the way i want them to look. In a separate wardrobe ofcourse, what would be the point if there was no wardrobe O_o
wow surprised i didnt not know this considering i played this game mostly wearing disguises for 3 betas. Guess you learn something every day i guess. Does that mean my nightblade is actually more OP than he actually is ?
I definitely did sneak with it on, both in PVE and Cyrodiil. Had a few player enemies run right past me at close range too. Was there a change in one of the patch notes citing this?
I did the same which is why i am confused as well
My only problem with armor is that if my character has horns/antlers (Argonian/Bosmer), putting on a hat removes my cranial adornments.
Luckily, I can hide the helmet in options...
Everybody has very different opinions of what "looks cool", as you'll see in any thread discussing any actual armor design, so nobody can really answer that for you
You might be interested in this site though http://eso-fashion.com/ . Or google for lots more images, and check YouTube.
Would be cool if they let us create a costume with armor from our inventory / bank.