Idea : Mod Conflict Database

Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:12 pm

I understand this would take some work to set up and maintain, but would be awesome if there was something like this:

A webpage you could goto, enter in the name of a Skyrim mod, and it would list other mods (that are currently in the database), that have conflicts with it (maybe just hard conflicts , such as CTD's, and as time progressed maybe list soft conflicts).

Sure something like this would take some work to get going initially, but users could submit a conflict with 2 mods as they arise, thereby expanding the database.

So ideally, you're getting ready to add a new mod to your lineup, you read the mod's readme, but some aren't so descriptive, I've seen that especially with Steam mods. Then you goto the Mod Conflict Database, enter in name of mod and see any known conflicts with other mods, that way by adding that mod you won't necessarily be limiting yourself to future mods, that you mightn't know about. For example, suppose you have Ebonvale mod in your lineup, but then find Touring Carriages, but then after reading the pages, you find out that there's a navmesh on the north road out of Ebonvale, that hangs up the Touring Carriage mod (I believe this is still a problem, might be fixed, haven't checked in a while). Another example I ran into, when I installed Uniques Uniques, I never knew it would cause an issue with Hunting in Skyrim mod, at that point I never knew about Hunting in Skyrim mod, but also don't think Hunting in Skyrim issue was mentioned in the Unique Uniques mod, had I known, I might not have gotten Unique Uniques.

Ideally, after it got going, mod authors could just list their mod on the database, with mods they know conflict it (of course they wouldn't know all mods, but maybe some). But after a mod is active for a while, with users adding info, it would give mod users a pretty accurate idea where they stand with adding a new mod, and wouldn't be limited to a users readme, or comments section on their mod page (heck, some mods have 100 pages of replies on nexus).

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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:45 am

This is why I run BOSS, and TESEDIT. To check for conflicts. They don't cover everything, but they help.

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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:21 am

I didn't mean this idea, to support being too lazy to use BOSS and TESVedit. This isn't meant at all to have anything to do with order things load. When you run BOSS and check mods that you've added in Wrye Bash & TESVedit, they show conflicts with mods you already have. Sometimes there's mods you want to get or try, but haven't gotten to them yet, this would give you a heads up of future conflicts you may run into.

Simply put, with users putting in conflict issues with mods, as they find them, this would be by far better than any readme on a mod page, you figure 1 user with 100 different mods, puts a new mod in his load order, checks it and then finds conflicts with any of those 100 mods, goes to the page, and enters it in. Then another user who uses 150 mods, which of course would be vastly different than the other person's mod lineup, then you'd quickly see how the effectiveness of something like this would expand. Since typically, a mod author only knows of conflicts of his new mod, and the mods that he's using.

Plus if something like this caught on really well, you'd probably see mod authors try to make their new mods, so they'd have the least amount of conflicts with the most popular mods, since most authors do strive to have people use their mods.

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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 2:55 pm

Well, that could be a good idea, but does anyone actually read, the Read Me. To begin with, now not all mods have a very descriptive Read Me. But even the ones that list all the conflicts, there is always a majority who never read them regardless. This seems better suited as a tool for modders, than players. I'm sure the BOSS team, will give you a list of conflicts, should one ask.

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