I'm planning on creating a Pure warrior class with no magic. I won't take any xp buff stones and no crafting except alchemy. Getting gear only from dungeons or stores and no enchants. Am I crazy?
Anyone who did the same?
I'm planning on creating a Pure warrior class with no magic. I won't take any xp buff stones and no crafting except alchemy. Getting gear only from dungeons or stores and no enchants. Am I crazy?
Anyone who did the same?
I do this all the time with my warriors, but only use smithing for my 1 "crafting" skill. I think it's lame to have a warrior character who casts magic just like it's lame for a mage to use a battle-axe.
Did you run in any kind of difficulties doing this?
Pure Warrior with no Smithing? Oooh.. I don't know about that one. Maybe if Archery or something is mixed in. I suppose depending on how you use Alchemy, it could work. Some Skill Buff potions.
Wouldn't the gear with stats I would find in dungeons be better?
No. The best items you can get are the ones you make yourself, in every category as far as I know.
Well maybe i could consider replacing alchemy with smithing then. I could just buy potions in shop.
If you're playing for a challenge, your method could work. If you're playing for efficiency, smithing is the way to go.
The best gear is stuff you improve, you can either improve stuff you find or make your own and then improve it. If you don't make much of your own stuff, though, you won't get to a particularly high level of smithing and thus won't be able to improve stuff that much (how much you can improve a given item depends on a/ your smithing skill and b/ whether you have the perk for that type of item). But nonetheless, if you find, say, a set of steel armour in a dungeon and buy/smelt a steel ingot then you can improve it at the workbench into at the very least a slightly better set of steel armour.
(Some mods which affect perk trees and such may make it so you can only improve higher-tier items if you have the relevant perk, e.g. SkyRe does this, but the base game always allows you to improve any item so long as it's not enchanted (or you have the perk that lets you improve enchanted stuff) and you have the right material to improve it with.)
Personally, I tend to do at least a little bit of alchemy on most characters, but if I'm doing a pure, no magic WARRIOR GRRR type person then I just can't see them picking flowers and smooshing them into potions, in fact sometimes I can't even see them *drinking* potions (particularly not ones found in tombs...).
I also usually at least try to start out only using armour I've made myself/bought from a blacksmith (because realistically, if I'm a scrawny Dunmer woman would that gigantic Nord man's armour fit even slightly?) or at the very least found in a chest (which just happens to be about the right size...) although to be honest that usually falls by the wayside when I come across my first opponent wearing something really spiffy.