I've misplaced where to send bug reports and such for the beta, but these are relatively minor anyways and I figure the devteam can see them here.
- Whenever the Prophet is talking and it isn't a direct conversation (you talking to him, for example) he is generally very hard to make out. Sound balancing is perhaps needed. I also can't find any cinematic subtitle options, but that might be difficult to do in an MMO unless you can adequately filter what a given player -should- be reading.
- With fire staves if you start a power attack but push block mid-charge you'll launch two fireballs. I wasn't able to tell if the damage was power attack or single attack, but the animation is of the power attack.
- Loading zones seems slower and there's occassional slight hitches in animation playback in combat whilst on the overflow versus regular server. This might just be normal given it is the backup server.
I'll say overall though ESO is looking fantastic and I love the combat mechanics. Looking forwards to the proper release.