Hello all,
So I am new on these here forums, but I've been an avid TES fan for quite some time. I'm also a fan of tabletop rpgs. Now, I've combined those two things into an exceptionally barebones draft of an Elder Scrolls Tabletop RPG. I would like to share it here; as it is, and as it progresses and I add/change things. It is very much in the "alpha" stage (beastiary only has 3 goblin monsters atm, haha), but I figured early feedback is a good thing!
I know there are few attempts at this out there, and I am not saying mine is amazing, but I think I've done a decent job at capturing the feel of Elder Scrolls while still making it also feel like a tabletop rpg.
The issue, then, attaching the pdf's to a post. I am either dumb or blind, or perhaps it is impossible on this forum. Anyone care to lend a hand and point me in the right direction; if there is an interest in this sort of thing, that is.
EDIT: Thanks El Barto, I was thinking it was lack of ability. So, if I did this right, anyone who is interested in taking a look at some of the ruleset and all that jazz is welcome to by clicking this link.
Please note that some of the numbers I have in examples may be off, as they are mostly placeholders as I set things more in place. Please provide any feedback/suggestions. It should be functional to playtest, if only barely. I do not have equipment yet, so, if you wish to attempt to play what exists, either us eyour best judgement or use exisitng tabletop weapon and armour lists. I know, big pain in the ass, but equipmenet is the next thing I am planning to work on so please be patient.