Please recommend enchanting mod

Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:25 pm

I would love to start making my own items, or having them made, but I'm either doing something wrong, or perhaps my economy mod is insane. To create a simple water walking amulet (that costs something like 10 gold in the game) is costing me in the tens of thousands of gold. I'm not even trying to make a constant effect!

I would love a mod that lets you actually use the enchant skill, or make items that aren't 10000x more expensive than premade items would be.

Thanks for your help.

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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:42 pm

What you need is to have a very high enchant skill and there are a few ways to achieve that. First you need to buy the Masterful Transfiguring Wisdom spell in either Mournhold or Skaal Village on Solstheim.

Then goto to an enchanter e.g and pay them for their services, but I strongly advice you to do what I do in-game.

Remember the only spell effect I know of that's useless to have as a constant effect is spell absorption, spell reflect IIRC due to the use of high enchantment points cost for each points e.g 50 enchantment points for only 1 pts of spell absorption - constant effect.

Start to create a simple enchanted ring with 15 pts for 10 seconds I think of the Fortify Skill (Enchant) and an expensive ring plus a filled petty soul gem (cliff racers or shalk will due) that have 30 enchantment points are needed. Once you have done that then use the ring to improve your enchant skill in order to create a better Fortify Enchant Skill ring, which now can be almost anything I mean you don't have an expensive amulet/ring anymore.

I always do that in my game and later in-game I could improve my enchant skill just below 500 of the enchant skill with a couple of amulets/rings, so when you can improve your enchant skill that high then you can enchant your own items with constant effect without fuss.

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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:07 pm

Another similar way is to make a spell of Fortify Enchant 100 for 2 sec on self. Cast that (you need about 35-40 Restoration) and make anything up to about 15 enchant capacity. Or, you could have a ring made with the same spell for about 8000g if you don't want to do your own.

15 capacity (expensive ring) will hold some minor but usefull CE enchants too like Levitate 1pt or restore fatigue3pts or restore health2pts for example.

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Andrew Perry
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:08 am

It doesn't sound like there's anything out of whack with the cost you cite to pay an enchanter. Depending upon which mods you're using, you'll even get advice from NPCs that buying enchantments is very, very expensive.

If you're using Morrowind Code Patch, it has options regarding soul gems and enchanting. You might want to review what you chose in it. While the options the other posters mentioned are feasible, a different approach without using any mods other than MCP is to buy an enchanted item, trap souls, and use the charged soul gems to recharge the enchanted item(s). IIRC, with MCP there's no failure or very low failure rate and it boosts your enchant skill. I do this fairly frequently in my games because I found it boring to enchant tons of things; there's only so many restore health rings you can use, for example. And when I finally did capture a golden saint or ascended sleeper soul, I gladly paid the cost to get one or two items enchanted with the spells that I prefer. Once I got the CE enchanted stuff I wanted, that's when I feel like I have the luxury to try casting CE myself without feeling like I'm wasting the filled soul gem in the event of failure.

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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:48 pm

Really good solutions for in-game adjustment. It is just really irking me that something I can buy for 10 drakes costs 50,000 to create. What in the Hell was Bethesda thinking?

I don't think I've ever tried enchanting something myself. Do you just drop the soul gem onto the player character?

I would love a mod that balances it out a bit. And one that allows you to enchant any item. It would be awesome to wear anything you want and have the same effect as something else you could purchase that you like less.

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Bethany Short
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:24 pm

On top of that you can also have both Water Walking or Water Breathing in an enchanted ring of 15 pts with constant effect.

That's correct. Just drop a soul gem and the same thing goes for when you want to recharge the enchanted items in your inventory similar to what happen when repair worn equipment (armor, weapon).

Yes you can wear almost everything even with the same effect provided that you have slots left meaning you can't have a modded quiver for archers and at the same time have a pauldron on the same shoulder.

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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:39 pm

check the "enchanting desk" mod, in this page

if you are member of the mages guild, you can enchant things using the desks of the guild (there is a desk in any guild). The higher your enchant skill, the higher the chance to enchant.

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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:04 pm

How about an enchanting desk for the members of the Great House Telvanni and if you have consider doing that then I'll wait for its release. Thanks for sharing. :smile:

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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:52 pm

there is one in my tel uvirith mod. When the tower is complete, you can pay for a laboratory, that includes the desk.

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:38 pm

Maybe it's their way to soak up all the cash you can make during the game. Certainly by the time you reach the middle part of the game it's easy to have gold in the 6-figure range. And you usually don't start encounting the creatures (with one or two exceptions) that enable CE effects until around level 17 or so IIRC.

Like the others said, you need a filled soul gem, you need to know the spell that you want to enchant and you need an item that is not already enchanted. Just drop the gem on your figure in the inventory screen and choose.

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